I love you (Kim somi)

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Y/n pov

I can't do this anymore.! No. I thought as my heart was racing and I felt tears trying to come out of my eyes. Blood rushed thru my body as I was feeling like throwing up.

It was only the second day but already so many people had died. I didn't want to be there anymore. I locked myself in a bathroom stall and pulled my knees to my chest. I hate this.

I let the tears come, now sobbing out my soul. I never had been fond of our classmates, but I never wished them to die. "y/n? babe.?" A voice called out and I tried to speak but nothing came out.

My tears wouldn't stop and I probably looked so ugly and stupid right now, but I didn't care. I opened the stall and saw So-Mi. "So-Mi.." I sobbed out.

She didn't say anything but just embraced me and patted my head. "It's okay. I'm here." She now told me as she crouched across from me.

"What is it? Why is my beautiful girl crying." She asked trying to comfort me but I just sat there. "I can't do this anymore.." I told her trying to wipe my eyes from all the tears.

"I know baby I know." She said now holding my hands. "It's going to be okay. I won't anything to happen to you." She said as she kissed my forehead.

It was the next morning and I woke up. I didn't see So-Mi there. Weird..

I just got up and went to look around, I didn't see much anyone. "Y/n!" I was called and saw So-Mi. "So-Mi." I breathed out it relief. "How are you feeling." She asked bot knowing what she referred to. "Better." I told her with a smile.

"I'm hungry so I thought I'd go grab something, do you need anything?" I asked her and she just shook her head. "Thank you love, but I'm good." I nodded at her and walked to the cafeteria.

I arrived at the cafeteria and went to grab a bottle of water and an onigiri. "y/n."

"Kyung-Jun." I said as I switched my gaze to the person who called me. "How's your girlfriend." "Good."

I didn't speak to him anymore before heading back to my room. I walked thru the closed corridors and just sighed wishing this game was just a bad dream.

l arrived at my room pushing the door open seeing So-Mi there. "Hello love." She said and I chuckled sitting down next to her. "Kyung-Jun asked how are you." I told her and she made a disgusting impression. "He's so annoying." She said and I nodded.

Kyung-Jun was a boy who made fun of me before I started going out with So-Mi. He would bully me with his friends calling me names and all that sort of stuff. It all stopped when So-Mi started to defend me.

We had gotten close with her and now we were dating.
We had been together for two months now and they were the best months of my life.

"I winder who are the mafias. I just hope we could get home soon together." I said as I opened my food.
"Yeah.." So-Mi said with a gulp. "I hope so too."

We chatted for a while as l ate my food offering her some but she didn't want. "I think Kyung-Jun is part of the mafia." So-Mi blurted out. "Oh. Why is that?" | asked and looked at her. "I don't know he just seems like it." She said and I nodded along.

Idea of Kyung-Jun being mafia had concurred to my mind too but I didn't want to think much of it. "I just want everything going back to the way it was." I mumbled taking a sip of water.

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