Love languages (Go kyungjun)

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Kyungjun and his love languages

• Act of service
I don't think Kyungjun is a very vocal person so his no. 1 love language will be acts of services. Ties your shoes, pays for dinner - must be always on him, never lets you drive - passenger princess love, walks you home.

I feel like this boy knows the sidewalk rule.

If you attend the same school or class he will be the one to carry an extra pencil for you or give you a sip of water from his bottle. This man loves you very much and shows it always with his actions.

Physical touch
Even though I said he is not vocal about his feelings I think he loves physical touch. Needs to have his hand on yours or your thigh if you are sitting next to him. While walking sometimes puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you. That's his way of showing other boys that you are his.

Plus love when You give him physical affection, and that you want to show the others he is yours.

Quality time
Here I have two options. First is when you two are with other people, he tends to be his mean person type who is protective. But when you are together alone.. then you have the opportunity to see his cooler side maybe a little bit silly, chill side, and that's good - he is comfortable enough to show his colors to you.

• Receiving and Giving gifts
I don't know why but I have this gut feeling that Kyungjun is from a wealthy family, so he does not have any problem spoiling you with different types of gifts - often "just because" gifts like flowers or a bracelet.

He is neutral about receiving gifts himself, but if you decide to show him love that way he will remember this forever.

for example, when you come back from your home city you give him a matching bracelet - from now on he never takes it off.

• Words of affirmation
Like I said before man has problems with communicating his feelings with words, he is the one to say "I love you" first but then he feels this type of a border and can't say anything else. Please make him feel comfortable!

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their user name is julliet or myjlla

jwxluvr: sorry for not posting for a few weeks/days🥹, there's another festival going on in my school, and my section have to practice everyday

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jwxluvr: sorry for not posting for a few weeks/days🥹, there's another festival going on in my school, and my section have to practice everyday. So this is all I can give for you guys😭, anyways hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter<3

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