Rainy days (Go kyungjun)

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!Part 2 of Lighter

Summary: is it true that some situations are not coincidences?


"Second meeting with kyungjun"

The new school year has officially begun.

The first day is always a little different because the start and opening speeches are not among classes but in front of the whole school, people are always not able to find each other among 800 students, so they tend to sit next to a few of their friends they met with before getting into the building.

And this time was no different. Kyungjun sat with Seungbin and Jinha in the corner of the music hall, sits weren't the most comfortable ones they had been sitting on but they were able to manage.

After a few hours of the formalities of the opening ceremonies, Kyungjun found himself among the other students disappearing from the building, the same thing happened to the two of his minions who were left on their own going to their houses to get some freedom before starting emotional rollercoasters of studying and being the role of 'the bullies'.

Getting out of the crowd, his gaze locked onto a familiar figure standing near the school's exit doors. Familiar figure he remembered seeing fourteen days ago - the girl from the rainy days.

Maybe it was his heart - racing with curiosity- maybe it was his head telling him to get closer.

So he did, Kyungjun approached her.

After hearing some footsteps behind her she looked to the side. The girl spotted him and right away offered a warm (but small) smile, her eyes sparkling with recognition.

As they exchange eye contact, Kyungjun felt a wave of this weird feeling wash over him. It was as if the rain from two weeks ago - which was also present today - had been prelude to this moment right now.

Walking side by side a few steps they managed to get out of the school's door to stand next to each other right under a little roof.

"I have something.." he mumbled, then took the lighter out of his uniform's front pocket, its engraved
surface catching his eye.

To his surprise, Y/n shook her head, a playful smile on her face. "Keep it, I don't smoke".

Kyungjun blinked in confusion, a little taken aback by her response, "Then why did you give it to me?"

"I like watching the flame dance and move in the air, plus I figured you might need it more than I did"

Kyungjun felt a warmth spread through him at her words with the sense of gratitude. But also he realized something, maybe he didn't even know yet about it but for him, this girl was someone more than a nice, playful stranger he met on the street this rainy day. She was like a beacon of kindness and understanding in a world that often felt cold. She was the complete opposite, but the universe still made them fall into each other.

With a nod, he slipped the lighter back i to his pocket.
As he stood there he realized something, "I never 'really' got your name", he admitted.

"I suppose its written on the lighter, but officially, I'm Lee Y/n"

"Go Kyungjun", he responded with a knowing look, it was embarrassing, yes, but a nice question to keep the conversation going, wasn't it?

And so were they standing there, under a little roof waiting for the rain to stop since none of them had an umbrella, something more clicked in their heads, but this time the girl decided to ask question quicker than him, "You are a student of which class?"

He responded to her, and so did she - they were in the same.


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is myjlla

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is myjlla

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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