Love isn't a timely feeling (Jang hyunho)

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PLOT: when the world collapses on your shoulders you're scared you won't get up again. Luckily there's someone there to hold you anytime your legs shake...but at what price?

NOTICE: the character named Bora is just an added character.

WARNING: death, bad languages, sad content

SECOND PART: invisible string (coming soon..)

Another alarm went off, another day trying to survive, but this time you were on your own since your best friend had been executed the night before. She wasn't a mafia, you didn't even understand how your classmates could vote for her since you had proved them that she was a citizen, however things went as they had to go.

You looked around, as Junhee had asked the night before, everyone was surely on their way to gather in the hall, but you didn't move. You stayed still, sat in the bathroom where you spent the night hiding, or at least that was what you had pretended to do.

You didn't care about living no more, without your friend it didn't make sense, so if you died you would've been happy. You were still alive tho.

You rested your head against the wall, closing your eyes in hope to sleep a little more and let your mind rest, but someone knocked at the door of your cabin.
You sighed, opening it just to see Hyunho's face:

"What's up?" you asked, in a breath of sound

"We're supposed to gather in the hall, haven't you read Junhee's text?" he talked softly

"I have, I'm just ignoring it. Please, leave" you closed the door again, but Hyunho blocked it with his hand

"You've got no time to give up" he said

"I've already given up. That's why I'm here -you tried to close the door again, but the boy didn't let you do so-now, l'll ask you one more time:please,leave"

"You were close to Bora, weren't you?"

"Do we have to talk about it? -holding back your tears had never been that hard- she wa-...she's my best friend" you explained.

Hyunho sighed, kneeling down at your height:his left hand rested on your leg while the other gently caressed your cheek:

"She wouldn't be happy to see you like this. Now you need to go through the game for her as well". his voice was sweet and warm. It sounded like an embrace, but it didn't help you feeling better in any way; otherwise you burst into tears.

Hyunho lead your head to his shoulder, while your
hands grabbed his shirt. Your grip was desperate, you were using so much strength that your fingers turned red:

"I can't do this without her. I can't. I'm sorry, I'm sorry

"Why are you apologising? -the boy caressed your head- you're still alive, you're still on time to get up and live for the both of you" his words came out in a whisper. Why was he comforting you like that? You had never been friends in the first place; the two of you had barely talked before that moment. Was he so sweet? Or was he just trying to make more friends than enemies?

You wondered that through the whole chat you had in the bathroom, but, at the end of the day, he was able to help you feel better and get out of there. He was so sweet and so delicate that no one could've rejected his help; you didn't remember the last time you felt so safe in someone's presence. But there you were.

Without even realising how, you found yourself sticking to Hyunho all the time. Just like Bora, he became your rock.

If something was wrong, he was there to make it better.

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