He gave you his sweater (Go kyungjun)

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PLOT:so pretty and talented, always in everyone's thoughts...but what happens when Wooram confesses his feelings? Someone's not happy about it...

WARNING: Swearing

No lessons, students running from a classroom to another with boxes and decorations in their hands. It meant only one thing:concert day!

Like every other year, your school had organised a concert to celebrate the beginning of the winter break.

It was rehearsal day, and you were particularly nervous since, apparently, you were the main performer of the night.

Your music teacher used to say that your talent in singing and playing piano was a blessing from even together with your graceful beauty, so he had decided that you would've been the star of the event.

You greeted a few of your classmates approaching you as soon as you stepped in the school hallway; then you ran to the theatre where everything was already set.

"Hi yn!" Wooram smiled at you when he saw you sitting at the piano

"Hi" you replied

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yes! Just...a little nervous" you fixed your hair, starting to play.

You were so lost in music that you didn't notice the boy grabbing his camera and starting recording you; nor you noticed how he was mesmerised by your movements.

It was nothing new, to be honest, that was everyone's reaction anytime they saw you playing; however you had never bragged about it nor made it your biggest flex. You were pretty down to earth and all you cared about was your passion.

A passion that, apparently, lead everyone to you...including the bully of the school: Go Kyungjun, whose attitude softened anytime you smiled to him or simply said hi.

So, when he saw you playing, he couldn't avoid stopping by to enjoy a preview of the concert. His mind was lost in your music; his eyes followed any single swish of your hair and movements of your hands, even the smallest, even the least noticeable shake of your shoulders.

You looked like an angel, he thought, and his heart was beating so fast. Everything was perfect, there was only one detail off:that jerk of Park Wooram staring at you with the eyes of a puppy who had just fell in love.

Nauseous and mad, it made Kyungjun nauseous and mad. He knew half of the boys had a crush on you, but he didn't care that much since they were all too shy to approach you, including Wooram. Or at least, that was what he thought; his mind had changed not that long ago when he noticed how he slowly started to be constantly around you, helping you anytime you needed something and making you laugh all day.

Kyungjun's jaw clenched thinking at a possible love story between you and a boy who wasn't him, especially if the boy in question was Park Wooram. You deserved way better than a frog who thought he was special just because he owned a camera.

"Brilliant!" Wooram exclaimed as soon as you had finished playing, making Kyungjun startle.

You bowed, smiling and thanking your classmate who stepped on the stage to talk to you.

"I think you're ready for tonight"

"I'm not sure actually, I'm so scared to mess something up"

"You don't have to worry -he put some strands of your hair behind your hear- you will nail it"

"Thank you" you said, sneezing

"Are you okay? Be careful or you'll get a cold! You have to perform"

"Oh it's okay, don't worry. It's just cold in here, that's why I sneezed" you laughed

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