Lighter (Go kyungjun)

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Summary: You don't know when universe will bring you your special light. Sometimes the light can be a person.


"First meeting with Kyungjun"

He was running to the closest canopy that could save him from the pouring rain, even though he was already all drenched he still wanted to get some cover.

The new school year was about to start in two weeks.

sweet fourteen days when kids do not have to worry about waking up in the morning, studying till the late hours of the night, attending additional classes, practicing their hobbies, or fighting with themselves,
their problems, and their mental health.

For Kyungjun it was fourteen days of fighting with his mom, fourteen days of yelling at his stepdad, and fourteen days of being on his own, with his feelings.

He wanted to start this upcoming school year, finally meet with Seungbin and Jinha, and finally get all his anger out of Dabeom or this freaking weird kid with a stupid camera, he wanted to sleep through half of his lessons and enjoy the life of the school scariest bully.

It was the only thing he was good at - at least that's what he thought.

After standing like this for ten minutes he heard some rush footsteps, they were getting stronger and louder with every second, finally, the small space Kyungjun was standing in got smaller under the presence of the new person.

Kyungjun looked at the figure, the girl next to him was breathing fast - from running he supposed, her clothes were wet as well as her hair, she pulled her headphones down and let them swing around her neck.

He had never seen her before but Kyungjun didn't care about another victim of the rain - he had his problems to think about.

So he turned his head back as soon as the girl looked at him, he didn't want to look into her eyes like some creep.

After a while, he still could feel the girl's eyes on him but decided to let go of it and focus on something else.

He took a cigarette out of his green jacket as well as the lighter, he tried to start it a few times but the flame didn't want to stay in its place. Some curses could be heard from him but he didn't care, Kyungjun slammed his lighter on the ground with all his strength where it all broke into pieces.

He looked up from the ground and in front of his eyes he saw a pale, small hand holding something - another lighter. "Try this one" he heard, so the boy took the thing in his hand, and to his surprise it worked.

"You need to work on your anger" was heard from the side "Shut up" he simply answered, he didn't have the energy nor patience to discuss his problems with a stranger.

"No, I'm serious, if a stupid lighter can make you this mad, then man, I don't want to know how other things can end their journey, or other people, try to listen to some music it helps at least for me", and she softly smiled at him but also waiting his next move.

"You don't look like the one who has any music taste in music" Kyungjun didn't understand why she wasn't scared of him, did the rain erase his tough aura? "Then let me show you"

And that's how it started, she showed him her favorite playlist, and he did the same right after, they talked for a long time, long enough for Kyungjun to forget his mean attitude, his problems of worries, and long enough to forget where he was.

"Well that's my ride," she said and got out of her space under the roof " I have to say you really have a good taste in music" That was the last thing he heard from the girl before she got into a black car that stopped a few meters in front of them.

He looked down and in his  hands saw a lighter, the one that this girl gave him, but something was off, he looked again "Lee Y/n" was engraved on it.


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr, their username is myjlla

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr, their username is myjlla

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