Don't you dare (Go kyungjun)

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PLOT: your bully turns out to be something way different than what you expected.

You turned the corner, head low in hope to avoid Kyungjun and his friends, as the only thing you cared about was to arrive to class on time.

You believed you would've done it, until someon grabbed your shoulder and pushed you against the of the corridor.

"Look who's here" Kyungjun smirked. His right forearm was resting on the wall as he was pressing your body against its cold surface.

Next to him Jinha and Seungbin were staring at the scene with their arms crossed

"I-I have to go to class" you mumbled, trying to sneak away, but Kyungjun stopped you

"Without saying good morning to me?" he lifted your chin up with a finger

"I don't have money today, please let me go" you talked, collecting the strength to stand his eye-contact

"Let's see if that's true,then" he grabbed your backpack, handling it to Seungbin who started spreading your pens and notebooks everywhere on the ground

"I need to go to class, please!" you exclaimed again, trying to stop the blonde guy, but Kyungjun blocked your arms behind your back, pressing your body against his chest.

"No need to be so whiny babygirl, just let him check" he whispered to your ear, warming your cheeks with his breath.

While Seungbin was doing his job, Kyungjun's eyes were fixed on you, piercing your soul. He couldn't do much as somehow you were his magnet.

He didn't give a shit about your money, all he wanted was your attention. That was why, when he bothered you, he was never cruel:the maximum he did was stealing a few won from you, or taunting you a little bit during class; besides that he had never harmed an hair on you.

"There's nothing in here, just school stuff" the blonde bully mumbled with a disappointed face

"Let me check her pockets" Jinha scoffed, sliding his hands in your jacket.

"Ya! -Kyungjun suddenly yelled, pushing Jinha away-have I told you to do so?"


"Answer me! Have I told you to do that?"


"Then don't, idiot"

Kyungjun freed your arms, dragging the other two bullies away.

You were confused, extremely confused, however you had no time to look for answers as you had to ran to class:you were still able to make it on time.

During the whole lesson Kyungjun didn't stopped staring at you for a single moment, nor he did for the rest of the day.

When he met you at the cafeteria, he made sure he found the perfect spot to admire your sweet eyes and pinky lips.

When you spent the after lunch in the garden with your friends, he made sure to sit at the window which allowed him to see your dimples appear at every smile of yours.

And when classes were over, when outside it was dark and cold, he made sure to walk down the same street as yours to not leave you alone.

Even tho he wasn't good at showing his feelings, he couldn't avoid but worry about you.

You turned the corner, freezing on the spot when you saw Jinha resting against a nearby wall.

"What are you doing here? You don't live in this neighbourhood" you mumbled,holding onto your plaid skirt

"You're right, I don't. I was looking for you" he replied with a vicious smirk on his lips

"W-why?" you stepped back

"Do you really think you can fool me?"


"I don't understand why Kyungjun turns into an harmless puppy when you're around, letting you do whatever you want, but I am not like that with losers"

"I don't know what you're talking about..." you whispered, trying to leave, but Jinha grabbed your wrist and pushed you against the wall

"You have no idea what it means to mess with us, and if Kyungjun doesn't wanna show you, I'll do -he
paused, pulling your hair- you own me today's money, where are you keeping it?!"

"I had no money with me today, I swear" you cried in pain, trying to push the bully away

"Stop messing with me, it gets on my nerves!" he exclaimed, sliding his hands in your pockets one mode time. Nothing was there so, after growling, he pushed you on the ground and opened your backpack, spreading your things everywhere.

"Seungbin has already checked in there, please let me go!" you were sobbing in fear

"Shut the fuck up!" Jinha yelled. You slid back, against the wall, hiding your face in your hands.

"This is enough! -Kyungjun approached Jinha, grabbing his shirt- the fuck are you doing?!"


"I swear, if you don't leave her alone l'll beat your ass"

"She-she owns us her money!" Jinha tried to justify himself, but the more he spoke the more his friend got mad.

"Have I told you that she owns us anything? Have I told you to follow her home? I didn't. You have no right to mess with her"


"No buts! If I catch you bothering her one more time I swear you won't see the light of another day,got that,Jinha?! Kyungjun freed the boy, who ran away.

"Are you okay?" he then asked you, kneeling next to you

"T-thank you...l was so scared" you sobbed

"I'll take care of him, no one messes with my favourite girl" he spoke, collecting your things before walking you home.

You didn't know what had just happened, nor why he was suddenly acting like that, but you swore you had never felt safer while going back home.


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr, their username is randomlifex.

jwxluvr: I'm sorry to those reader's who are waiting for a hyun-ho,  jun-hee, da-bum, or jung-won

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jwxluvr: I'm sorry to those reader's who are waiting for a hyun-ho,  jun-hee, da-bum, or jung-won. I can't find new ones😭 all I can find is kyung-jun stories and the authors have not update any hyun-ho, jun-hee, da-bum, jung-won or so-mi. some still haven't updated yet, and this story is posted 2 days ago, so sorry to disappoint some readers who are waiting for other characters stories but we just need to wait and will get it soon, we just need to be patient okay?, anyways that's all!!


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