Valentines day (Heo yool)

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Y/n pov

It was a normal day and the sun was shining. I walked towards school excited to see my friends. It was the day people would go around giving their boyfriends/ girlfriends/crushes gifts. One of the most beautiful days in the year.

"Y/n!" I heard my name being called. I turned my head ans saw Eun-Ha. "Eun-Ha!" I greeted her and gave her a side hug. "Planning to give out anything this year?" | asked and she shook her head. "I don't think so, maybe someone gives me something." She told me and I nodded.

We reached our class and sat down in our seats seeing almost everyone there already. People were in good moods.

The day went by fast and it was already time to eat lunch. Eun-Ha told me that she and Yeon-Woon would go buy something and me and Eun-Chan would wait them in the classroom.

"Are you handing out this year?" I asked and turned to Eun-Chan. "No, I mean nothing with a romantic interest, but in a friendly way." He said and I nodded.

I heard people passing by our classroom and saw him.
Heo-Yool walking with another boys. They weren't from our class. We made eye contact and I gave him a small smile, he smiled back and then went back to joking with his friends.

"What about you? Are you giving out something." Eun-Chan asked and I turned back to him. "I just might." | sighed out as Heo-Yools smile was stuck in my mind.

Eun-Ha and Yeon-woo returned and sat down with us. I took out my own lunch that I packed and so did Eun-Chan. "So do you have plans for later today?" Eun-Ha asked and I shook my head. "Nope." Both of the boy said.

We chatted and I gave small glances for your classmates. Ji-Soo and her boyfriend Yoo-Joon gave esch others gifts and praises. So-Mi praised herself for getting so much gifts. Na-Hee and Hyun-Ho sat together eating and chatting. It was obvious that they liked each others but were too shy to say anything.

Kyung-Jun was napping as usual and his goons we're talking about how to give out their gifts for some girls.
Everyone was so peaceful today.

"y/n!" I heard my name being called, I turned my head and saw Heo-Yool with a small smile and hands behind his back. "Heo-Yool, hi." I said as he walked closer.

He ealked up to me and revealed a white rose and a box of chocolates and handed then to me. "Here." He said with his usual smile and a small blush. Small gasps were heard in the classroom. Nobody had ever seen Heo-Yool and me interact that much.

"I-. Thank you." I said and took the rose and box of chocolates. "Whaat, I never knew Heo-Yool liked y/n!" Eun-Ha said and patted me on my back. If anyone didn't look at us before now they definitely did. I heard
Jin-ha and Seung-Bin snicker and whisper how Heo-Yool is just getting rejected.

But he didn't mind he just smiling and sat down at our circle. "Of course I do, I mean how couldn't | when she's the prettiest girl l've ever seen. Plus she's super smart and fun to be around." He confessed and I felt blush creeping onto me cheeks.

"Actually Heo-Yool... have something for you." I said and reached for my bag. I took a box of his favorite chocolate and an envelope. "Here." I said and gave then to him, and now he was blushing hard.

"What what whatt???" Eun-Ha said and dramatically gasped. "Does this mean y/n like Heo-Yool back!?!?"
She said as Eun-Chan and Yeon-Woo gasped the way to tease me.

I felt words being stuck on my throat and my face just blushing harder before I gave them a small nod.
Before Eun-Ha could say anymore Heo-Yool got up and grabbed my wrist to drag me out with him. He dragged us to the school roof.

"Why did you drag me here.?" | asked trying to calm myself from all the blushing. "You like me?" He asked and I nodded. "I mean like like me, the way Ji-Soo likes Yoo-Joon?" "Yeah.." I breathed out and switched my gaze up to him.

There he stood still with blush covering his face. "I'm glad." He said and quickly wrapped his arms around me. "Because I like you the way Yoo-Joon likes Ji-Soo." He said and I wrapped my arms around him as well.

We stayed at the roof for 20 minutes talking and laughing together. "y/n. Do you wanna be my girlfriend and go on a date tonight?" He said and I nodded. "Yea and Yes." | told him and turned my head towards him.

"Thank god." He said and slowly pulled my head closer until our lips were touching.
His lips were surprisingly soft, And I loved it. And this moment. What a good day.


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is zenxvii.

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is zenxvii

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