Protective Boyfriend (Go kyungjun)

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y/n had just got out of her room walking around the halls. She wanted to get out of this hellhole as soon as se could, she couldn't bear to see anymore of her classmates die.

Passing by rooms she knew where se exactly wanted to go. She had walked towards the cafe in the building not knowing all the trouble inside it.

- y/n pov

I had wandered through the halls and got closer to to the cafe. I heard lots of voices from there so l quickened my steps. There was lot of people standing there and in the middle there was Hyun-Ho fighting with Kyung-Jun.

"What the fuck is going on." I whispered to myself noticing it didn't catch anyones ears.

Kyung-Jun had roughly pushed Hyun-Ho and he slammed against the wall. "Alright! Isn't this enough now!" I said strongly and went to push Kyung-Jun away from the other man.

"You stay here." I told him and went to help Hyun-Ho up. "You okay?" | asked him as I helped him up. He nodded at me and gave me a smile.

I could feel Kyung-Juns burning a hole onto me head, but I didn't mind it. "I don't get it. Why do you guys have to fight at a time like this." | breathed out and shook my head.

"y/n's right." Our class president agreed with me. "We should go now." He continued and mentioned that we should go downstairs and meet everyone in there.

I watched them leave and Kyung-Jun slumped on a chair and kicked the table. I sighed and exited the cafe and went to a girls bathroom to look for a medkit.

Once I returned to the cafe I saw Jin-ha and Seung-Bin also sitting around the table. "You idiots." I said and their gazes turned to me.

I sat on a chair next to Kyung-Jun and gently pulled his chin between my fingers.

"Why do you start fights." I asked him and started to clean his wounds. He didn't answer but hissed each time the wound pained him. I just sighed and cleaned his wounds.

After cleaning his wounds I turned to Jin-Ha who was on next chair next to me. "Head this way." | told him and he turned his head to me. I started to clean his wounds but then someone yanked my hand back.

"He can clean his own wounds." Kyung-Jun told me but I didn't listen and yanked my hand back. "Don't get in my nerves now. I bet you guy started the fight but le me help out a little." | said and turned my attention back to Jin-ha.

I don't get why was Kyung-Jun like this. When we were young he wasn't violent he was kind. I miss the old him who wouldn't just throw fists around. But I do love this Kyung-Jun, he treats me well. I've tried to told him to stop fighting but he still hasn't, maybe someday.

Kyung-Jun had stayed silent as I cleaned the duo's
wounds. "All done. Now stop doing unnecessary shit like this, you'll just draw suspicious to your way." I said and shook my head and the trio just stayed silent not matching my gaze.

"Let's go then." | told then and got up. Jin-Ha and Seung-Bin got up as well but Kyung-Jun just sat there.
"You two go ahead." He told them and they just obeyed and left. Leaving me and my cranky boyfriend in the cafe.

"What is-" "Do you love me?" I started to ask but got cut off by Kyung-Juns question. Do I love him? Of course I do.

"Of course I do. You know it." I told him snd walked up to him. "It didn't seem so." He said and made eye contact. "What do you mean "it didn't seen so'" | quoted him "Why did you go at Hyun-Ho first when I'm your loved." He said and that's when I knew what was up.

"Are you jealous?" I teased him and he sighed. "Of course. That jock freak has liked you for a long time now." He said face turning into anger. Huhhh?? Hyun-Ho likes me?? Well damn.

"We both know I only love you." I said and sat down next to him taking his hand onto mine and squeezing it a bit. "I love you." | told him again.

He gave me s faint smile before standing up and pulling me into a hug. "I'll make sure we get both out of here. Together." He reassured me. And I nodded to his chest.

Few nights later

We were at a swimming pool looking around. I felt like it was pointless but I didn't give up, I believed Yoon-Seo she was one of my best friends.

I was all the way back almost other side of the room and I heard people talking bit then I thought I saw something in the water.

I crouched down and tried to look again, but I couldn't see anything anymore. Weird. I tried to look around with my hand and putted it in the water moving it around a bit.

Nothing. I started to get up but then felt a strong tug and I was face first in the water. I gasped and water filled my lungs as I tried to swim back to the surface. I got back to the surface and started coughing and saw Kyung-Jun and everyone else running to the side I was on.

"y/n!" He screamed as he reached me and extended his hand. "I'm okay." I said and tried to grab his hand but then something tugged me again and I was underwater unable to swim back up.

Theard a splash and felt arms wrap around but my vision was blurry. I gasped for air when I was back up and started coughing hard.

I was in Kyung-Juns arms and Jun-Ha pulled me up as Kyung-Jun tried to lift me. I got on the floor still coughing and people gathered around me. Kyung-Jun
basically jumped out of water and came to me.

"What happened?!"

"Are you alright!"

I was getting bombed with questions. "I.." I tried to speak but nothing came out. "Shut up!" Kyung-Jun shouted at everyone I. "Leave her be. She needs to rest!" He said and picked me up in a bridal style and started walk away.

"Message the plan then. Now I'm taking care of my woman." He said and walked away leaving everyone behind.
He took me to a room and wrapped a towel around me.

"I thought I was gonna die." | told him and felt tears starting to form. "But you're not. I don't know what happened but from bow on I'll protect you always." He said and wrapped his arms around me.


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is zenxvii

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is zenxvii

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