Chapter 1

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You came back from the gym, straight back to your house. It was a tiring day after all. But you can't help it. In order to get accepted by TF141, you must meet the requirements. And obviously muscularity was one of them. You opened the door to your humble home, greeted happily by Peanut, your golden pomeranian. You chuckled at him, "You never get tired do you?" you said and scratched his ears. Peanut woofed and went back to his work, which was apparently chewing his dog toy. You fell on the bed like a log, and within minutes, you were snoring loudly...

You were in a TF141 dorm. Huh? You got out of the dorm to greet your dreamplace. As you expected, it was like in the internet. A very wide area with buildings there and here. Suddenly, you were in a office. Price was sitting on a chair next to the only desk. Vague words which you can't remember were heard. Your mouth muscles moved to smile without command. You walked out of the door to, yet again, TF141 area. Somehow everything seems happier. Then, the ground below you collapsed! What! You fell into the eternal darkness, you surrounding was nothing but pitch black. Nothing could be seen but the hole which you fell from. A man appeared to look down at you. His face was familiar. He did a funny movement and you were now being pulled out of the hole. What on earth is happening!? You focused your eyes to see a clear view of the man's face. Wait... hold on... is that ko-

RINGRINGRING RIGNGRINGRIGN!!! You woke to the loud sound of your notification ringtone. That's odd, you don't have much friends and the only relative is your sister. Who could that be. You picked up your phone and looked at the notification.

From: TF141

To: Mr. Y/N

Hello, this is from the official TF141. You must be Mr. Y/N, I suppose. We are pleased to inform that you are invited to join our TaskForce. Our officials check men ranging from age 19-25 who meet the requirements to join our TaskForce. And it seems that you have been selected. Our business requires: To work everyday, except public holidays and personal problems to excuse. Salary is negotiable. But average is around $35 000. You can start work at June 2nd. Please come to *** if you would like to join our TaskForce. Ask the guards that you are a newbie about to join. They will show you the way to the reception. There you can enroll. We hope to see you at training for first-years or newbies at June 4th. You can ask further questions at the reception and a map will be given. We expect the best from you if you were to join. Of course you are not forced to. But we will sent the same message next year again to have your answer. If invited people does not accept after 2 times, we will not bother you anymore. Please reply as soon as you can considering today is May 29th.

Best regards,

Captain Price

Your eyes widened with both shock and surprise. You body still too impacted from the message to move. You double check the message and the account to make sure this is not a prank. It is not a prank. A few seconds later, an annoyed Peanut got out of his dog bed and outside to drown out the happy shoutings of Y/N. 


________________________________________________________________________________587 words gurl its literally 10pm

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