|diary dump p3|

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this dream is probably the most sigma one i've ever had

it was probs 2 month ago sry for writing it so late

i probably dreamed of a whole movie

i think this one went a litle overboard with the crush thingy

normally i would yap it all out and i wouldn't regret bc there r ppl like me

but rn there is the danger of the hoe mas : any, nay oh mi, dema jemma

but im stil writing this for the sake of votes and views😔

so for the ultra skibid🚽👨‍🦲 dream it went like this...

i forgor to mention both |diary dump p2 and p3| are lucid dreams and they are not made up.

i was at school (again). we were in the same period we ended with in |diary dump p2|. then i went downstairs to the library to borrow a book. then i went up again. but i forgot to turn in the books i've alr borrowed so i went downstairs again. but the librarian wasnt there. so i went up again. the staircase was a shitty pile of cardboards and newspaper (and a black thing i dont recognize) jutting into a hole in the floor of upstairs. before i got upstairs, a teacher stopped me.

i forgot the conversation so skip to after the talk

the teacher suddenly started chasing me. i ran around and arund the court or playground whatever. the door to outside was locked so after every loop i ran, i tackle the door. after 3 or 4 loops the door opened and i ran outside.

outside was like a road made by ancient ppl but got ruined over years. there were concrete benches here and there. on both sides of the road was our school. i ran to the right side of the road from the door. after a while, i started getting tired, and the teacher was catching up with me. finally, the teacher caught me.

he said random things about rich kids and spoiled nepo babies and teachers being broke (yeesh). while he was talking random shit, i slowly moved my hand to the concrete block beside me. as son as my hand reach it, i hit the teacher's head with it. he fell on the ground beside me groaning. i got up and ran back to the school. when i look back the teacher was starting to get up. but then i saw a car zooming towards me. so i dodged to the left. i looked backed again. this time the teacher was in the path of the car. he said something about revenge. then i ran back to the school without looking back anymore. i went inside the school.

When I got inside the school a security guard was eyeing me and he looked sus. But I ignored him and tried to get back upstairs. but the guard stopped me. and we talked abt smth i  forgor. and then magically i got teleported inside a black box. out of nowhere the invisible narrator started to talk. he said the security guard locked me in the box for weeks. and that while i was locked i was fed the bare minimum to keep me alive. he (the narrator) said while i as inside the box, i squashed tiny little bugs and juiced them into a cup. and then i went back to 1st person pov.

i made friend with the wife of the security guard. and one day the wife was kind enough to let me out of the box. its unclear what happened at this point bc i dreamt of it so long ago. so ill write my imagination. so i tried to put the poison bug juice in the coffee of the security guard. but before i did that the wife saw me and stopped me. and the security guard saw it too so came in and tried to kill me. so i splashed them both with the juice and the died (i made it sound so normal help).

then i went back up. there i met my crush wushy pushy lushy dushy. i dont want to talk abt the details of what happens next cuz its cringe

summary of what happens next: i kissed my crush and we held hands

anyways thats the end bye yall


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