Chapter 2

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This is it. You thought. The big day has come. You double checked all you belongings. Phone, Check. Clothes, Check. Laptop, Check. Household, Check. Toiletries, Check. Books to read, Check. Random shit, Check. Pillow, Check. Food, Check. Candy canes, Check. Underwear, ... Not Checked. You ran to your bedroom and rushly opened the wardrobe. You took out 5. One of them had a small little Konig sticker, you didn't know where to stick so you stuck it there. You blushed. You were going to meet Konig, your childhood idol, at TF141 afterall. After a small debate in your head, you decided to take it with you. Underwear, Check. That's it. You thought. You walked out with two fairly big luggages and a backpack. You put it down and walked over to your neighbor, Mrs. Heffle and Mr. Heffle. 

KNOCK KNOCK KCOCK. Mrs. Heffle opened the door.

"Dear me, Y/N. It seems like you're all set to go to work." said Mrs. Heffle

"Yes, Mrs. Heffle. I still can't believe I got accepted to TF141."

"Well, it was your dream so... better take the chance while you can, dear."

"Yes, Mrs. I'm just here to say farewell and thank you for all kinds of support you've given me throughout my life here. Mr. Heffle is out to work, I suppose? How is little Robert doing?"

"My my, you are very rich at words too. Yes, Heffle went out to work. Robert have learnt how to say mommy and daddy!"

"Really?! Can I see? I would love to see Robert before I go."

"Of course you can dear." Mrs. Heffle went back inside and came back to the front door with 1 year old baby. Robert looked up expectantly at Y/N. He smiled.

"So cute as always little Robert." You gently squeezed his cheeks. "Can you say mommy and daddy for Uncle Y/N?"

Robert looked puzzled. You repeated it. Robert stayed expressionless for a moment. Then he smiled and said "mama, dada!"

You laughed. "He grows fast doesn't he?"

Mrs. Heffle sighed. "If only his older brother were here to see him".

"Yeah..." your tone changed sad. "You could always contact him through phone but-"


"Oh shoot, I must be late. Bye, Mrs. Heffle. Bye, Robert. And thank you for everything."

You rushed over to your luggages. You lifted them up like they weigh nothing and shove them in the taxi trunk. Then you jumped into the passenger seat. "QUICK. I MUST BE LATE.". Without further notice, the taxi driver vroomed off to the street. Outside the window, you could see Mrs. Heffle waving. You sighed heavily.

An hour later...

A loud toothless ringtone woke you up. You picked up your phone to check who it is. You've louden your notifications and ringtones to notice quickly if you got any messages from TF141. It was your sister who was calling. You picked up the phone.


"Hey lil' bro"

"What is it now, sis?"

"Oh, just checking up. Are you there yet?"

"No probably halfway only"

"Oh, well safe travels. And good luck at the force. People say the commanders and colonels are harsh."

"Oh I will survive gurl don't you worry"

"Ermm ya sure?"

"Fax no printer I will"

"Geez you're more gen z than me"

"giggles Then that's me"

"Well, that's all I guess."

"byeee sis"

"bye lil' bro"

hangs up

You put your phone in your pocket and looked out the window. It was a beautiful sight. A mountain range full of trees and two lakes could be seen. After about staring at it for half a hour, the serene scene changed to a grim desert. The whole area was dry and barren with only dry shrubs. You started to feel nervous knowing you're getting nearer and nearer by the second. The comment of the taxi driver who said "Are you starting to feel nervous? Don't worry. More than half of the people who goes there comes straight back after the test." didn't help at all. The ham sandwich and the cup of milk you drank earlier this morning was break dancing inside your stomach. SCREECH. The taxi came to a abrupt halt which was totally unnecessary. You got out and grabbed your luggage, while the taxi driver took the other.The guards had no hint of surprise on their face. Maybe they got used to it. You told one of the guard that you were a newbie. The guard, without looking at you, opened the gate ad said the directions. You found this behavior a bit rude but shrugged it off. You went to the direction of the reception. Unlike the outside, the reception was cool and peaceful. People with military outfits going there and here. A kin-faced woman was sitting behind the counter. You walked over to her and explained.

"Ahh, so you were selected"

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Wait for a moment". She gestured to a chair. While you sat, the woman took out some paperwork and compared something in it with something in the desktop monitor. She then made a phone call to someone. After a few minutes, she scribbled something on the paperwork and looked up to find you.

 You walked over to her and said "Yes, Ma'am?"

"You sure are a kind young man" said the woman

"Please go to that corridor and walk straight ahead until you find a sign that says 'Price's Office'. You shouldn't have to walk too far"

You went in the directions the woman told you to.

The door was a little ragged. You knocked. No reply. You knocked again. A little rustle was heard, then a sleepy but deep voice said "Come in".

You opened the door. Captain Price was sitting on the chair and seemed to be rearranging some papers and his laptop. When he saw you, he gave a big smile.

"Come in. Sit, you must be Mr. Y/N"

A giant for a man (König x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now