Chapter 12

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You packed your swimsuit, sunscreen, towel and shampoo. You also took a water gun by hand. After you finished packing, you carried your bag of essentials and the water gun to the bus. Cedric, Katy, Amara and Lizzy were already there, and they were talking. Like usual, Doak is late. You joined your group of friends and started to talk. Ghost came in after a while. Only then, you noticed König was in there too. König was acting odd, but you shrugged it off. Soon, Soap, Price, Horangi and other seniors and juniors you did not recognize came in the bus. You checked for Doak, but he was still late. Finally, you stopped looking for him because he was taking too long. The bus rolled off KorTac. Slowly and slowly, the car starts to make its way to the beach.

You arrived at the beach. It was fantastic. Price wasn't lying when he said it was perfect. The sun was the perfect temperature. Not too hot to give you a heat stroke. Not too cold to ruin summer holiday. There were also an ice-cream shop and 2 other shops selling snacks you didn't realize. There weren't too many people. There were about 4 people and 2 kids building sandcastle in sight. No people at all is eerie. Too many people just ruin your mood. And best of all, the water. The water was crystal clear. The water reaches between your chest and waist if you venture in far enough. The beach was so flawless you wondered how Price knew it in the first place.

You were so mesmerized by the view, you only came back when Cedric shook you.

"Hey Y/N wake up what the fuck"

"Oh oh yeah sorry I zoned out for a bit"

"Well stop it cuz we're bouta have some once in a while fun.

"Oh uhh okay whats the plan"

"We are going to just play around in the sea, you know swim and splash water. Next, we will have some games with everyone. Games like water polo or tag. Then, we'll have a break. Eat some ice-cream and chill. Then, we can play more team games or just do whatever you. After it becomes dark, we will go to a great restaurant around here according to good ol' Price. That one's optional. Then finally we all go back home."

"Wow who planned all this"

Cedric proudly beat his chest. "Me"

"Okay ok whatever you say"

The first thing you do is rush to the small shops. The two shops that confused you turned out to be another ice-cream shop and a boba shop with some other small snacks. You bought vanilla ice-cream with chocolate syrup. You decided to chill for a while before stepping in the water. You laid a blanket and then a umbrella for some shade. You watched as Cedric, Katie, Amara and Lizzy stepped in the water. Cedric immediately started splashing water at the three girls. Lizzy dove underwater and pulled Cedric's leg so that he slipped. You never knew Lizzy could swim well. Katie and Amara started splashing back at Cedric. Cedric got up and shouted something. The group formed a circle. They started talking. And then Cedric and Lizzy walked somewhere. Katie and Amara walked the opposite direction. You got interested and finished your ice-cream fast. You were so interested in them, you haven't noticed the beast charging at you.


Suddenly, someone slammed into you. You immediately fell in the water. The person launched a flurry of punches in your stomach. The water splashing from the punches flies into your eyes, blinding you to do anything. You kicked as hard as you can in the general direction of the enemy. You must have hit somewhere bad because the punches stopped abruptly. You stood up and kicked again. This time, you heard a loud groan from the enemy. You slammed the enemy like he did at first. Then you kicked for the third time. This time it wasn't even a groan anymore. The enemy shouted loudly. You kneeled down and hit him over and over again. The enemy loss the energy to shout. A realization hit you. You've heard this voice before. It was when... when... when König got hit in the balls! Aha! You remembered something for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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