Chapter 3

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You sat down. Price took a close look at you.

"So, you are Mr. Y/N the newbie huh?"

"Yes sir"

*timeskip cuz i dont wanna write about salaries*

You walked over to your dorm. The dorm building was a widespread area with a building in the middle. Designed like a motel and the stories no more higher than 3 floors. The building was very wide. It was built like a rectangle horseshoe. What a hassle moving in and out of your dorms everyday. Your dorm was supposedly on the 2nd floor, second last dorm on the far right end. You entered your dorm. It was actually better than you expected.

(The plus sign is a rack for hats and coats)

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(The plus sign is a rack for hats and coats)

The dorm was actually pretty simple. A bathroom, a bedroom and a living room with little furniture. Although, you couldn't see why there is a bath because you would take a shower after every training at the public changing and shower room. Your luggages are already here. Well, then. This is my new home, I guess. You started to unpack. You had a lot of stuff so it took about 3 hours. When you finally finished unpacking, you laid on the bed. The ceiling was plain to stare at so you closed your eyes and decided to sleep, after all it was 9pm. Without spending 3 wasteful minutes in your bed, you fell asleep.


An alarm you never set woke you up. You got up and shot the alarm a dirty look. Who knew you were going to have to wake up 4am in the morning. You got prepared quickly, you don't want to make a bad first impression after all. After you put on your sneaker, you got out of your dorm, still sleepy. Coincidentally, the person from the dorm on your right came out the same time. He was slightly smaller than you and doesn't look muscular at all. You were surprised how he even got accepted. The moment he saw you, he gave a small but sweet smile. Although he was very social, you had to give him that.

"Hey, name's Cedric."

"Cedric, like from Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter?"

He chuckled. "Nah not really, what's yours?"


"Hm, cool name. You're a newbie, right?"

"Yea, are you too?"

"I am. We have to go to the cafeteria, right?"

"Yeah, it says so on the schedule."

Just about walking a few feets later, a dorm door opened right in front of your path. If you had moved 2 inches, you would have had a nosebleed. Someone emerged from the dorm and started walking to the cafeteria too (You have to get down the dorm building then walk over to the cafeteria building, they are still in the dorm building). It was as though the person that almost gave you a nosebleed wasn't a person. It was his immense size that was standing out. Almost suddenly you knew who that was. König. You stayed still for a will, comprehending if you actually saw Konig. Only when Cedric called you for the 4th time, you broke out of your trance.

"Hey, who's that guy? He's so tall."

Almost instantly you said "That's Colonel König. Don't you know him?"

Cedric didn't seemed surprised by your rush answer. "Oh, that's explains. I heard about him from the girls in my school. They are obsessed with him. Oh well, I guess great means good-looking". He chuckled a bit. You only made a funny noise somewhere between a grunt and a groan.

You arrived at the cafeteria with Cedric. You had intentionally asked Cedric to get your breakfast so that your eyes darted across the cafeteria to once again search for König. But Cedric came back way too soon with 2 trays. As you both eat, more and more newbies had gathered in your table. Soon enough (You suspected it), Cedric had made a friend group including him(Cedric), you(Y/N), Doak, Katie, Amara and Lizzy. Doak was quiet but friendly and comfortable to have him around. Katie and Amara were besties who were lucky enough to get selected together. Lizzy came from a successful family but she doesn't like showing off her money, her father had been fussing over Lizzy for not having a job until now. You all had something in common though. Gen Z GIRL SLAY. It was surprising how fun and energetic Doak can be if he chooses to. But something is still stuck in your mind which you cannot ignore.



A giant for a man (König x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now