Chapter 4

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Doak only came when you asked him for the 6th time. He says he like it better when he do activities alone because he flop so bad 😝😝😝. As you dragged a pouting Doak with you, you eyes never left the job of searching for a giant of a man. But he was nowhere to be found. You gave up searching for him and continued to walk to the training grounds. It was a vast plain area with nothing else. A group of people were already there, chattering about whatever. You guys went to a particularly shady place which was starting to get crowded.


Almost everybody was here by now. Lieutenant Ghost and Captain Price was also here. Captain Price seemed to be observing if the newbies fit in alright. Ghost looked ready to train people until midnight. After a while, Ghost blew the whistle. Everybody rushed stand in their place respectively. It was like an assembly. All the newbies had a moment of bewilderment before joining the others.

"Attention, everybody. All the seniors and juniors, you will be going to your normal training routine. The newbies will be following me."

There was a hassle and people who have rough faces went to running 30 laps according to Ghost. You started to feel nervous. Even you did some serious trainings at gym back then, it was a piece of cake compared to here. Ghost did some quick explaining. He said that newbies would train the newbie route for two week before progressing to junior. After three months of junior rank, you will progress to senior. You will progress or demote to ranks based on your performance. Training is an important one so he said to be careful and work hard during training. Ghost gave all the newbies a schedule. It was said estimated time to finish all morning training was 5-6 hours. You shuddered thinking of all the training you had to do. But it wasn't hard. It was just immensely long. You started your 10 laps. The juniors and seniors were now doing push-ups or sit-ups. You started your training, the friend group followed you around because you were the most muscular compared to other newbies.


After about four and a half hours you were done. You waited forty minutes before the rest of your friends were done (Doak was still stuck doing squats so he offered to stay behind while the others went for lunch.). Even other seniors and juniors were surprised how a newbie could do it so fast. It was still too early for lunch so you decide to visit our friends dorms.

Lizzy's dorm was basically a compact mansion. She have literally almost everything. All books, video games, snacks, noodles and even an iPhone 15 pro max. Lizzy explained her dorm hastily they can proceed to the next room. As lucky as Amara and Katie would be, they got dorms next to each other. Katie's room was a pastel pink while Amara's was a lavish lavender. They both have the same theme of furnitures. Cedric's was like what a room would look like if there had been a 25 people party. The dorm TV was replaced with a big and flashy TV. The shelves were filled with video games. The couch was replaced with a bigger and bouncier one which could fit more than about 10 people. The table almost seemed invisible because of the cup noodles, video games and CD disks, pizza boxes, cartons of soda and surprisingly a bookmarked Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Two fairly large piles of clothes can be seen at two corners. The lights were replaced with LED lights that change color. Cedric clicked the LED remote a few times so it stayed an ivory white ("My favorite white" Cedric added.). The double air-con looks very able to freeze a human alive. The coat hanger was full of different colored coats and hats and even a old looking sweater. Everybody was clearly surprised by how Cedric practically trashed an entire dorm in two days. The thing that stands out the most is a ginger siberian cat and a fat little black rat snoozing on the cat which was sleeping too. Cedric looked as though he was about read the whole bible by heart so Lizzy inferred and said "Why don't we go to Y/N's room. We've been at your room for quite a while" when they haven't even spent five minutes there. Before Cedric could utter a word, everyone murmured an agreement and went out. A sad Cedric locked the door and followed behind them to Y/N's room.

Before Y/N opened his dorm room, Doak hurried behind, looking like he ran a marathon. When he caught up, he paused for a long while before speaking.

"I was searching for you everywhere. Turns out you were here. When I finished my work out, I ran to the cafeteria, you weren't there so I ran to the work-out area. I ran to the cafeteria again before coming here. What are you even doing here?"

"Oh, we're just visiting each others dorms. After Y/N's dorm, we'll visit yours."

"Ok." said Doak.

Y/N opened the door. Your room was a dark grey hue. There wasn't much furniture except books and a few video games. The only things that caught attention were a pillow on the couch, a bottle of fresh fruit juice and a thick book lying on the table. Everyone was bored was your living room so Cedric and Doak went inside your bedroom while the girls were hunched around Peanut the Pomeranian, who happily took all the pats and belly rubs. You were observing the girls and Peanut when you decided to go check Doak and Cedric. Cedric was searching for hidden things and he wouldn't tell the reason why. While Doak was...

Your eyes widened to saucers and butterflies were flying like rockets in your stomach.



A giant for a man (König x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now