Chapter 5

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Doak was at your underwear drawer. Your not normally a shy guy and this would pass, but there was one thing. The underwear with the König sticker. Without thinking you ran to Doak, who unfortunately was holding the one that you feared he would and seemed to be observing the sticker, and tackled him before he could finish the sentence "Wait isn't this that colonel K-". When Doak saw you three second after you grabbed his leg, he looked so shocked and tried to escape. He tried to hop but lost his balance so badly, that he was freed from your grasp but his feet slipped on a towel and he somehow managed to land on the bed while his foot was caught under a chair (You put up a chair and desk near the bed). All while the underwear lay right in Cedric's lap. Cedric was too busy laughing at Doak's position, he didn't notice the light grey underwear with the König sticker on it. You lunged for Cedric, who turned to face you too late with a face of horror. Cedric scrambled on the bed, he was rolling on the bed and laughing, and tried to jump away from your path, but he was caught in two blankets and the pillow that you threw on his face to immobilize him worked pretty well. The pillow might have stunned him for a while and you took the chance to swipe the underwear off his lap. Before you could do that, Cedric started rolling around frantically and kicking his legs in the air like a baby. Before you could change your direction, his right leg kicked you in the chest, knocking you nine feet back. When you regain your consciousness, Cedric kicked off the extra four blankets and three pillows off the shelf above the bed (He kicked the wall, making the blankets and the pillows fall). Cedric was now blanket man wrestling with more blankets and pillows. You grabbed one pillow begging to fall off the shelf and jumped onto him like it was totally safe. You landed, miraculously, not on anywhere of Cedric's body parts. Immediately, you started hitting the whole thing like a serial killer. The blanket man did not stop wrestling until you hitted on particular part. Cedric let out a long miserable groan and stop moving. For a second, you thought you killed him. But the underwear, was hidden beneath the sea of blankets for as Cedric is too. You grabbed each sheet and threw them across the room. Finally, you found the underwear. But in the worst scenario possible. It was right on his face. Your face rn : 🥲. You gripped the underwear like a drowning man gripping a lifeboat and thrashed it into the underwear drawer, splitting the drawer in half. You looked over to the mess you made. It was like a wild stampede. It was a wild stampede indeed, but made by a mere human in his early 20s. Both Doak and Cedric were unconscious. Doak's foot was in a funny position you did not like. Cedric kept moaning like a zombie. Through the bedroom door, the girls and even Peanut was looking at you like a wild beast that destroyed a whole city in less than a hour. Lizzy started to slowly inch backwards and Katie look like she was petrified, while Amara was following Lizzy.

"Look. I can explain this,". You eyed the underwear drawer. "Without some details." You managed a very forced and uneasy smile.

After a hour, Doak and Cedric came out of the sick bay, looking very negative. Doak was with crutches and Cedric seemed okay but was wearing a very pained face and limping a little. Katie and Amara helped the recently hospitalized Doak and Cedric. All of them kept shooting looks at you through the corner of their eyes.

Great. You thought. Within the first two days, I made two people hospitalized. For the record, they were my friends. I did not made our friendship better. Because of that I'm going to get punishment. And considering... well considering everything here the punishment will not be anything soft. You gave a long sigh. What a lucky me. All of that because of a stupid underwear which stupidly put a sticker on and stupidly bought. Although, you did not know it, the face you were making urged your friends to move faster. But Doak offered to stay behind. And so Katie and Amara shoved Cedric down the hallway while Lizzy trotted behind.

"Hey, Y/N"


"Holding the underwear?"

"... yeahh, about that..."

"I mean it's just an underwear. Why so protective?"

"I... I... well"

Doak chuckled and he made a smile.

"I know, I know. That you like König."

Your face turned into a brilliant shade of pink.

"No I don't! What do you mean." You were starting to sweat now.

Doak chuckled again. This time louder.

"Believe me. I know people better than you do. If any normal admired König, they would stick a König sticker somewhere like on their phone of laptop. But on your underwear? That's another story. I will keep your secret, don't worry. But if you are going to try your chances... I mean that's pretty pretty slim. I'm not making you sad. Just explaining. Well, good luck if you want to confess."

Doak walked away with his crutches. You were sure he was giggling. But for now you need to figure out how to get rid of your tomato face.



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