Chapter 6

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After you asked Doak not to tell anyone for the 100th time, you finally trust him. He looks pretty trustworthy afterall.

time skip a month or something

Life in KorTac was like an endless loop. Everyday you had to wake up early, do some exercise, eat lunch, do more exercise, sometimes get a speech, chill, do even more exercise, eat dinner and sleep. There was never anything interesting except Peanut's funny dance and Katie and Amara's tiktok dances. Although today, something very interesting happened.

Today, you had to g to training. At cafeteria, gossip topic changed. It was not the usual tiktok videos, but rather something about KorTac. Apparently, today Ghost had to go on an important mission. Usually missions get operated during midnight or nighttime. But today was something more important. There wasn't much details but all that matters is he isn't leading training today. The topic wasn't very interesting so Katie changed the topic to a bird out the dorm window that was acting weirdly. While Cedric and Amara agreed that it was a skinwalker, you thought who would be leading training.

You could barely breathe. You would be meeting face to face with your childhood idol, König. He was the temporary mentor for today. Inside, you were doing your happy dance. It was childish but who cares. All you care is that your idol is going to meet-and-greet with you. Well, not really but what's the difference. Cedric noticed that you were squealing softly and asked what's the matter. Doak also knew but as a great friend he is, he didn't mentioned anything and laughed to himself. You walked out to the training grounds obviously faster than anyone. And there he was, König, he was sitting in the shade, sifting through the training schedule papers. They were papers that show what activities you have to do throughout the day. Y/N, for example, have a lot of push-ups and sit-ups because he was strong. Doak and Cedric had to start with small amounts of activities until their activities will increase. There were specific papers for each trainee.

When enough people gathered, König stood up.

"Attention! Today, your usual coach, Ghost, won't be here for he have an important mission to execute. So I will be the temporary coach for today. Please line up for your schedules."

When König handed your schedule, you caught a whiff of him. Something like strawberry cookies and attic dust.

You rushed through your training for today. You don't want to look bad in the first day meeting him after all. While you were doing your training, you heard Doak giggle. You ignored it. Doak giggled again. You shrugged it off again. Doak giggled, louder. It was starting to itch you now. Doak was now continuously giggling.  Finally, you asked why Doak was laughing. In reply Doak laughed out loud, earning him a stern look from König, he then said sorry quickly and continued struggling in burpees. Although you could still hear small chortles from hi, you decided it was better not to ask for now.

In the cafeteria, you didn't left Doak alone and kept asking him the same question over and over again. "Why the FUCK were you giggling?". Doak replied with the same answer. "You don't wanna know.". It continued like that the whole day. Doak wouldn't give an answer so you finally gave up. When you returned the schedule to König and left you heard him slowly muttering something that awfully sound similar with your name. Well, if it is, it isn't really awful is it?



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