Chapter 11

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König became so close to you ever since the meeting with Captain Price. He went wherever you went. He followed you wherever you go. And you took this advantage to get closer to him. You learned more about him than you found out before you got here. For example, König never liked the job. He was just forced to do this by his strict parents. But he grew to enjoy it.

Being friends with König was more fun than you thought. You couldn't understand why Ghost is so bored every time he's with König. Getting to know König means you get to know all of his friends too. You got to know Horangi, someone you've heard of. You become more friendly with Ghost and Price too. Not surprisingly, König had many female friends. Well König didn't really consider most of them friends.

You would visit König's dorm and he would visit yours. Of course, you kept the underwear with the König sticker hidden.

König was a dream boyfriend for any girls. He was tall, muscular and cute too. He's very kind and caring except sometimes very angry. The only but is that he gets angry really easily and is a bit dumb. König never shows his face in public. And that doesn't mean he shows it to his friends. Because no one have ever saw König face. Even his best friend since high school, Ghost, doesn't. Ghost used to know his face when they were in high school. It was a face angels would have if they morphed into humans. And this means it attracted more than half the female population in König's school. But he didn't like all that attention. So, he changed schools and with that covered his face with a hood.

Normally, people would brag about having König's face. But König didn't. Why would he? He was severely bullied when he was in middle school. And that made König grew social anxiety to the very core of his heart. Rumors has it that König's face was uglier than burnt cat liver on a twig when he was in his early youth. It remains a mystery how König's unimaginable face magically changed into something people drool over. This was a part of your reason why you fell for him. His personality was another part.

Doak's movements broke you out of your thoughts. It was obvious to Doak that you were daydreaming about König. Doak started to nudge you in the waist and giggle about something that includes you getting lucky ever since you became friends with König. He's the only one that knows you have feelings for a giant that became your friend.

Lately, tension has been through your friend group. As unfortunate as it is, clumsy Doak kept slipping whenever he walks with the group. And he always seems to land on poor Lizzy who wants no attention. Cedric, not reading the room, joked that Doak was slipping on purpose because he likes Lizzy. After too many times, Doak lost his patience and pushed Cedric off the railing. It was lucky they were walking on the 2nd floor. Or else Cedric might have died. To Lizzy, of course, Cedric was wrong for teasing Doak so much. And besides everyone knows what Doak is like when he is angry. Really angry. To Katy and Amara, Doak was wrong because why would he go to such lengths when it's just friendly jokes. To you... you didn't know. Like Lizzy, why would Cedric push Doak to his edge? Like Katy and Amara, why would Doak have to be so cruel on his friend? Because of this, they met Price. Like you Price was utterly confused on who was the one over the limits. So, Price lets both of them go with a warning. Now Cedric doesn't talk or look at Doak. And same goes for Doak. You really hope you could somehow break the suspenseful air between them but that seemed impossible.

Anyways, changing thoughts, upcoming is a holiday. But it's different. This time, people are going to the beach. Many people including Colonels and Lieutenants are coming. Of course, König is coming. So are Ghost, Price, Soap, Horangi and other random people are joining the pool day. König had asked Price if you and your friends (Cedric, Doak, Lizzy, Katy and Amara) could come. Luckily, Price said yes. So that's where you and your friends are going tomorrow. Hopefully, Cedric and Doak loose the tension between them.


hi guys! sry for making chapter 10 so short. and also i apologize for all the gen alpha shit in diary dump p1. im supposed to be gen z but whatever ugh. im saying smth. chapter 13 doesnt have smut but i assure you it has some spicy stuff.

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