Dresses // ( Ashlyn + Aiden )

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Story requested by: melsbakeryy

~Never miss the chance to dance~

Ashlyn's POV:

God I hate this dress. It's so itchy and uncomfortable, but Taylor told me she would do my homework for a week if I wore this so whatever.

I watched as Ben, Taylor, Aiden, Logan, and Tyler all danced into the center of the gym. They had all insisted I got to prom, and my parents forced me to go after Aiden told them about it. The music was so loud and there were so many people.

I adjusted my earplugs when I heard someone call my name, I looked up and locked eyes with a pair of red ones.

"Ashlyn! Come and dance!" Aiden said, jogging up to the table I was sitting at.

"I don't know, I don't really feel like it." I mumbled, looking down at my shoes. I looked back up at Aiden and saw that he was holding out his hand.

"Please? Just one song?" He asked, looking at me with big puppy dog eyes. I blinked and raised an eye brow.

"Are you giving me puppy dog eyes?" I asked.

"Please?" He asked again, jutting out his lower lip at me so he looked like a little kid begging his mom for candy.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand.

"Ugh fine, but just one song!" I said as he dragged me through the crowd towards the center of the dance floor.

Aiden grabbed my waist and I rested my hands on his shoulders. It was a slow song, so our footsteps were slow as we danced.

"You know, you look really pretty in that dress." Aiden said after a while. I looked down at the clothing Taylor had made me wear.

It was a wine red, spaghetti strapped dress that fell down to my ankles. I will admit, I do think the dress looks nice.

"Taylor made me wear it." I said, from the corner of my eye I saw Taylor and Ben dancing together, I looked around and saw that Logan and Tyler were also dancing with each other.

"What did she have to give up in order for you to wear that?" Aiden asked.

"She promised me should would do my homework for the next week." I said as Aiden spinned me in a circle, a chuckle escaping his mouth.

"Only a week, you were being very generous." He said.

"She paid for the dress, so it was only fair." I shrugged. I looked back at him and saw that he was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, but I did mean it." He said.

"Mean what?"

"That you looked pretty in the dress, you really do look beautiful Ashlyn."

My cheeks heated up, and I looked down at the ground. Then slowly began smiling.

Maybe coming to prom wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


Word count: 470
First one shot, I really hope you like it🙏🙏
Have a great day or evening everybody!!


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