Memories // (Tyler angst)

333 7 11

Requested by:Mooxnom


The group was over at Ashlyn's house, trying, for what felt like the millionth time, to find any sort of clue that could help get us out of the phantom dimension.

Me and Taylor were looking at a book that talked about the Sorrel Weed House and the backstory behind the building.

Aiden and Logan were talking about their wounds that they've gotten in the phantom dimension, trying to find out if that could correlate with anything.

Ben and Ashlyn were talking about how whenever we were angry we seemed to become like the phantoms in a sort of way, taking notes on how to avoid getting angry.

We were so concentrated that we didn't even realize Ashlyn's dad get home from work.

"Hey kids!" He said as he walked through the door. I turned and gave him a small wave that he returned with a smile.

He made his way over to where Ashlyn was lying on her stomach, peeking over her shoulder.

"Oh..are you guys talking about the phantom dimension?" He asked.

"Yup." Ashlyn said, not looking up at her father.

"Want me to make you guys some snacks?"

"Nope." I saw Aiden open is mouth to say yes, but Ashlyn shot him a death stare that made him shut up.

Mr. Banner stood there, not saying anything before suddenly picking Ashlyn up by her ankles, pulling her up into the air.

Ashlyn yelped in surprise before she began to yell.

"DAD! PUT ME DOWN!" Ashlyn shouted.

"You know Ashlyn you could say, "oh hey dad, I hope you had a great day at work today! I love you!" Or something along those lines." Mr. Banner said while swinging Ashlyn around the living room.

Everyone was laughing at the scene in front of them, except me.

I stared at the father and daughter, my brows furrowed.

'It looks so familiar.'

Suddenly, memories filled my mind of me and my dad playing together in the front lawn of our house.

Mom and Tay were on the front porch, my mother braiding my sister's hair.

Taylor loved it when mom use to braid her hair, she loved the feeling of having her hair played with, but Taylor never liked how the braids looked so she would always take them out shortly after mom had finished.

Me and dad were playing baseball, something we always did when dad came home from work. No matter how tired he was, dad would always play at least one game of baseball with me.

I remember I had hit a home run, and instead of running after the ball, my dad chased after me.

He had grabbed me from underneath my arm pits, lifting me up and swinging me around and around in circles.

"Dad! That's not how you play!" A childish version of my voice shouted.

I tried to pretend I was angry about my dad playing the game incorrectly, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

Suddenly I was pulled back to reality by someone grabbing my hand.

I wasn't seven anymore, I wasn't in my front yard playing baseball with dad, mom wasn't styling Taylor's hair.

Dad was dead.

I looked down at the hand who had grabbed mine, and saw it belonged to my sister. Taylor gave me a sad smile, and I knew she was thinking about those same memories.

She let go of my hand just as Mr. Banner let Ashlyn down. He bent down and gave his daughter a kiss on the head.

"Love you kiddo."

"Yeah, love you too." Ashlyn said rolling her eyes.

"Are you sure you guys don't want snacks?" Mr. Banner asked.

Aiden quickly spoke up before Ashlyn could stop him.

"Yes sir, that would be very much appreciated!" Aiden chirped.

Ashlyn's dad smiled.

"You got it kid." He said giving Aiden a thumbs up before turning into the kitchen.

Ashlyn sighed, fixing her hair before turning back to us.

"Ok, let's get back to work."


Word count: 726
This is kinda short in ngl, but I hope you enjoyed it!

ALSO, thank you guys for 20k views!! I was so shocked to see that big of a number, but I made me so happy!!

I love each and every one of you and I hope you all have wonderful day/night!🩷🩷


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