Arguments // ( The Group )

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DISCLAIMER: I know that Aiden would never say anything like what he will say in this story (or maybe he would, who knows when it comes to Aiden). IT IS JUST FOR THIS STORY!!

Aiden's POV:

Does the halfwit ever stop talking?

Ever since we got to the phantom world tonight he's been shouting and been in such a bad mood that it's affecting everyone else's mood.

My breaking point was when I had accidentally bumped into the whiteboard, causing it to fall over into our water supply and busting it open.

All of the water spilled out so that was amazing, and while I was trying to clean up the mess Tyler was practically shouting in my ear.

"Seriously Aiden, now we have no water for the next four hours!" Tyler shouted. Taylor got up from her seat and put a hand on her brothers shoulder.

"Ty that enough, it's fin-" She began, getting cut off by Tyler's annoying voice.

"No Taylor, it's not fine. We have nothing to drink because of this idiot!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, throwing the towel I was using to soak up the water with onto one of the seats, and turning to Tyler with my hand in a fist.

"Listen halfwit, it was obviously an accident and I think we'll be fine without water for a couple of more hours." I snapped.

"See this is the issue with you! You always think everything is fine and you always have that stupid smile on you're face. You never take anything seriously!" Tyler yelled, jabbing a finger into my chest.

"Jeez, did you're parents ever teach you how to be quiet?" I asked, smacking his hand away.

"Did you're parents ever teach you to watch where you're going? Oh wait, they probably didn't since they're never home." My eyes widened, Tyler turned to walk away and I glared at the back of his head.

"Yeah well at least both of my parents are alive." I muttered.

Tyler stopped dead in his tracks, everyone's head turned towards me, all of their eyes were wide with shock.

"What?" Taylor asked in a shaky voice. I turned to look at her, guilt creeping up my throat. She looked hurt, her eyes glistened as tears poked their way out of the corners of her eyes.


I didn't mean to say that, at least not to hurt Taylor.

"Listen Tay, I-" I began, shortly being cut off when a fist met my face.


Ashlyn's POV:


Total chaos.

Tyler had punched Aiden square in the cheek, sending him to the ground.

Aiden looked shocked at first, and then in a flash he was tackling Tyler. The two rolled on the ground, punching each other.

Me and Taylor quickly chased after the two boys, trying to pry the two off of the other.

"Tyler get off!" Taylor shouted.

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