Scars // (Group/Aiden angst)

513 13 24

TW: self harm, light cussing

Requested by: dannyphamtomtom & UrLocal_ChaoticDuck


The group was over at my house, laying around the living room trying to figure out what to do. Summer break had started a couple weeks ago, and it was one of those days that made you feel like time was passing by as slow as it possibly could.

To add onto that, it was as hot as the sun.

We were all watching Bluey on the TV, Ashlyn had her rested on my shoulder while we shared a bowl of popcorn. Tyler was on the other side of me, his arm wrapped around Logan. At the foot of the couch Taylor and Ben were snuggling together like the cheesy couple they were.

Everyone was wearing tank tops or t-shirts, except me.

I was wearing my smiley face hoodie.

I knew the rest of the group thought it was odd by the weird looks they gave me.

I couldn't blame them though, it was 1000 degrees outside, but no one really bothered to question it.

'Jeez, how long are we gonna sit here doing nothing?' I rested my head on Ashlyn's, slowly dozing off.

I woke up to Ashlyn shifting underneath me. She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

'She must've fallen asleep too.'

I sat up, yawning and stretching, making sure to put my arms in both Ashlyn's and Tyler's face, blocking their view of the TV.

"Dude, stop." Tyler grumbled smacking my hand out of his face.

"Stop what?" I said dumbly, plastering an innocent look on my face.

"Tch." Tyler rolled his eyes and shuffled closer to Logan. I giggled, but then felt a small hand grab mine.

I looked over at Ashlyn just in time to notice her inspecting my arm. I was confused on what she was looking at until I realized.


I practically yanked my arm out of Ashlyn's grasp. A bead of nervous sweat poking up on my forehead.

The ginger narrowed her gaze, I could practically see the suspicion oozing from her eyes.

"Give me your hand." She demanded.


"Give it to me."

I hesitated.

'She knows. There's no way she doesn't. What do I do?'

Ashlyn took my moment of hesitation to lunge at me, grabbing my arm tightly. I yelped in pain, making everyone look over at the two of us.

"Ashlyn! Stop!" I yelled.

But it was too late, Ash had pulled down the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

Taylor gasped. Tyler cussed under his breath. Logan covered his mouth. Ben froze in shock. And Ash just sat there.

All of them were staring the red cuts lining my arm up to my elbow.

'FUCK!' My mind screamed at me.

I quickly pulled my sleeve back down, but it wasn't like that helped with anything. Everyone has already saw my arm.

We all sat there in stunned silence for what felt like forever.

"Aiden.." Ashlyn broke the silence, staring at me with concern, and were those tears?

Taylor was crying too, along with Logan.

I glanced over at Ben and Tyler, and I don't think I've seen them as concerned as they were since Tyler and the tree incident.

"Why?" Tyler asked.

I opened my mouth, then shut it.

'They're your friends. Friends don't judge, they help you...right?'

"I've been stressed." There was so much more to it than just stress, but it was all I could get out. The phantom dimension, me almost dying, my parents never being home. It was all too much for me and I just fell into a pit that I couldn't crawl out of.

I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes.

'Calm down Aiden.'

I felt a hand rest on mine and I looked up.

Ashlyn's face was red and puffy, but there was a look in her eye that made me feel safe.

I took a deep breath.

"Everything's just been stressing me out lately, and I guess it just got too much for me to handle." I mumbled.

I looked at my lap, too afraid to look anyone in the eye.

I felt someone rest their hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Tyler giving me a soft smile.

Logan followed Tyler's actions and rested his hand in on my other hand.

Ben and Taylor placed their hands on my knee.

All of them were giving me soft smiles, even though Logan and Taylor still had tears trickling down their faces.

"It's ok, we're all here for you, we all care." Logan started. "You can talk to us Aiden, maybe not now, but when you're ready, we'll listen. We want to make sure you safe and not doing this to yourself okay?"

I stared at Logan, but my vision turned blurry with water. I let my head fall down to try and hide my tears, but my sniffling made it kinda obvious.

My body began shaking, and I started to let out quiet sobs. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I could tell it was Taylor by the smell of her perfume.

Soon another pair of arms joined in, then another, and soon enough everyone was in a big group hug, comforting me.

"We love you man." Tyler said, his arms tightening around me.

"I love you guys too." I sobbed.


More than 48,000 people take their lives each year. Check up on your friends and family. If you or someone you know is suffering from suicidal thoughts, tell someone that you trust or call 800-273-8255 for the National Suicidal Prevention Lifeline.

My account is also a safe space for everyone, please send me a message! I am more than happy to listen to whatever you need me to hear.

It is okay to not be okay, but it is never okay to suffer in silence.

You are loved deeply, never forget that🩷

Word count: 991

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