I Dont Want to Die PT.2 // (Taylor angst)

595 12 11

TW: blood, light cussing, death



I felt the phantom tense up, then go limp as its body fell on top of mine.

I looked around frantically.

"Logan.." I mumbled.

And sure enough, there was the short and scrawny boy. He was running full speed at me, Tyler and Ben not far behind him

"TAYLOR!" I heard Tyler's panicked scream.

The boys swarmed around me, ripping the phantom off of my body.

I cried out in pain as Ben picked me up bridal style, then we all continued to race through the woods.

I was so confused until I looked over Ben's shoulder, and past Tyler's head.

Behind us, about 11 phantoms were on our tails, all of them looked extremely hungry.

"Where are Aiden and Ashlyn?" I heard Tyler yell, he sounded tired, but also scared.

"I don't know Tyler!" Logan shouted.

We had reached the main road, and were heading towards the park.

I couldn't feel anything in my body, and I know that's not a good thing. I looked up at Ben's face, and I could see tears falling down his cheeks.

I wanted to cry.

I hated seeing other people sad, especially when it was someone I deeply cared for.

But I couldn't feel anything.

So even if I was crying, I couldn't feel the tears fall down my face.

I heard the sudden squeal of tires against asphalt, and I turned my head to look in the direction of the noise.

There was the jeep, the passenger window was rolled down, and I could see Aiden yelling out the window.

"HURRY!" He yelled.

We all rushed into the car, Ash already speeding down the road before all the doors were closed.

"Holy shit, what happened to her?" I her Aiden ask, but I wasn't really listening. My ears were starting to ring, and did Ash have the air conditioning on or something?

I was so cold.

I tried to move my hand, but it felt like it weighed millions of pounds.

My head was laying on Ben's lap, and he was stroking my hair trying to calm me down. It was a kind gesture, but it couldn't help me from letting out a quiet sob.

Ben looked down at me, sadness and dread in his eyes.

"I'm so scared. I don't want to die, Ben. Please don't let me die." I begged.

I could see tears forming in his eyes, but that only made me more scared.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispered, his damaged vocal cords making his voice crack.

It's like my brain took a pause on the whole situation around me.

Ben talked.

He actually spoke.

To me.

I don't know if it was my sudden change in emotions, or the blood loss, but I felt my eyes grow extremely heavy.

And I finally let them close.

I woke up in my room, and I finally got to understand what Tyler and Aiden felt when they died.

My entire body tensed up, I felt myself begin to shake aggressively as I fell off my bed.

It felt like someone had set my body on fire.

"I can't breathe."

I looked around my room, but everything was so blurry. I could faintly hear Tyler screaming for our mom, but the ringing in my ears drowned out his screams.

I opened my mouth to try and scream in pain, but nothing came out.

Then all of a sudden, my body went limp.

I was laying on my bedroom floor, gasping for air. My vision and hearing slowly came back, and I could see Tyler next to me.

My mom was in the doorway, trying to dial 911.

"Mom, stop." I croaked, my voice scratchy. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine Taylor! You almost just died!" Tyler yelled.

"Stop yelling Ty." I said, slowly sitting up. My side felt like someone has stabbed it, but I was too focused to keeping my mom from calling 911.

"It's ok mom, just go get some water for me, okay?" I said.

My mother stood in the doorway for a second, before she turned and rushed downstairs.

"Tay-,, Tyler began, but he was cutoff when I pulled him into a hug.

Hot tears fell down my face as I let all the fear of what I had just experienced spill out.

"I was so scared Ty. I could feel myself dying, I hated it. I didn't think I was ever gonna wake up." I sobbed.

"I know." Tyler said, hugging me back.

And he did. If anyone knew what that felt like it was him and Aiden.

"It's ok." He said. "You're ok."

We sat there, clinging to each other for the rest of night, silently comforting each other.


word count: 844
I won't lie, I may or may not have teared up making this part. I HOPED U GUYS ENJOYED THIS AS MUCH AS I DID. I'm trying to work on all the requests everyone has put in, but I have SO MUCH SCHOOLWORK BRO.

Anyways, LOVE YALL❤️❤️


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