I Don't Want to Die // (Taylor angst)

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Requested by: helloimsocool433

Taylor's POV:

I was running through the woods like my life depended on it.

Because it did.

Somehow, the phantoms were able to find a blind spot on the wall and climb their way into the graveyard, causing me and the group the run off into the woods for our lives.

I was separated from the rest of the group when we all agreed to split up. A phantom was chasing after me and I could feel my legs screaming for a rest.

"Just find someone else in the group and maybe they'll be able to help." I thought, desperate to find a way out of this situation.

I took a sharp turn right around a tree, hoping that would lose the phantom. I looked behind me and saw that the creature was still following me, and it was close.


To make all matters worse, a tree root was sticking out of the ground. I didn't notice it in time, and the root practically wrapped around my foot.

I toppled over, landing on my face. I groaned in pain,  getting to my knees and ready to begin sprinting again when all of a sudden, I was being tackled from behind.

The phantom had caught up with me.

I kicked the creature in the face, but it hooked its hand around my ankle, pulling me towards it.

With its free hand it plunged its razor sharp claws deep into my side.

I opened my mouth and let out a blood curdling scream. White agonizing pain exploded throughout my body, taking the breath from my lungs.

My eye sight became blurry, but I could make out the phantom climbing on top of me. I placed my hands on its face, trying to push it away from me.

I could feel the blood draining from the wound in my hip. My body was beginning to weaken and my arms felt like Jell-O

"HELP!" I yelled, hoping I would attract one of my friends, and not anymore phantoms.

A million thoughts rushed through my mind as the phantoms face got closer to mine, its hungry mouth clomping at me.

"Tyler needs my help with mom."

"I still need to build that pillow fort with Lily."

"Me and Logan were gonna watch Percy Jackson together this weekend."

"I was gonna help Aiden plan out a date idea for him and Ashlyn."

"I was gonna go shopping with Ash."

"And Ben. My beloved Ben. I can't leave him."

I'm way too young, I haven't done anything I've wanted to do. I still have dreams and wishes that I need to complete. I need to finish Highschool, go to college, become a mechanic, start a family of my own.

Fear crept up my throat, suffocating me.

I didn't ask for this.

The phantom dimension.

The fear.

None of it.

"Please..someone..help me." I thought.

"I don't want to die." I whispered, hot tears streaming down my face.



Word count: 526
Teehee, cliff hanger😈
I may make a part 2 to this, but I've been busy with finals for school. ITS MY LAST WEEK OF FINALS SO I MAY BE ABLE TO START POSTING MORE NEXT WEEK🤞🤞

I hope you enjoyed this though, I'll try to post soon!!


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