Band aids // ( Ben + Taylor )

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Taylor's POV:

I sat next to Tyler on the bus, working on homework. We had just gotten to Ashlyn's house to hangout, but there wasn't really anything to do.

Aiden finally stood up from where he was sitting next to Ashlyn, placing his hands on his hips.

"We should go and do something." He said looking at each of us.

"There's nothing to do." Ashlyn said, scrolling through her phone. I looked outside, noticing the long vines that were growing on the sides of the wall.

"Hey Ash, do you have any garden clippers?" I asked, getting up from my seat.

"Uh, I think so, it would be in the shed, why?" She asked watching me head towards the entrance of the bus.

"I'm gonna go clean the wall."


I pulled myself onto the wall, turning to help Aiden. I had a pair of small clippers while Aiden had Ben's shears.

"Ok, just go around and clip any vines or weeds you find along the wall." I said, turning and slowly crawling along the wall, snipping weeds and vines.

Ben, Tyler, Ashlyn, and Logan were all sitting in the open space outside of the bus, watching me and Aiden as we slowly made our way around the wall.

When me and Aiden finally met up on the other side of the wall, we examined our work.

The walls did look cleaner, but it was still dirty and we would probably have to scrub it if we wanted it to look really clean.

"Ashlyn! I ordered pizza, why don't you guys come inside?" I heard Ashlyn's mom call from the house.

"Ok!" Ashlyn called back getting up from her spot. She turned to face me and Aiden. "Guys, come down so we can go inside, I'm hungry."

Aiden gave her a thumbs up, standing up, and hopping to the closest bus.

I stood up too, hopping to the bus, but the leap was too small. My foot slipped from under me as I fell backwards. I gasped, reaching out for something that would keep me from falling, but my hands met nothing.

"Taylor!" I heard Aiden yell, but I was already falling.


I woke up in Ashlyn's room, my head was throbbing in pain, and I heard people talking around me.

I slowly sat up, looking around. The group was sitting in a circle on the floor, eating pizza and laughing at one another.

Ben looked in my direction, noticing that I was awake. He quickly stood up, rushing over to me. The others had noticed that I was awake too, and soon I was surrounded by everyone.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my forehead and noticing there was a bandage on it.

"You fell from the bus and landed on your head. Ben bandaged it up for you, but we'll have to go to the doctor to see if you have a concussion." Tyler said.

I turned to look at Ben, he was giving me a worried look, 'it's so cute whenever he was worried.' I gave him a reassuring smile, then turned to the others.

"Did the pizza get here?" I asked. Looking at the pizza that was on the ground.

"Yeah, do you want some?" Logan asked.

I nodded my head, Logan turned to go get me a piece, Tyler following him.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Ashlyn asked.

"Could I have some water?" Ashlyn nodded and turned to go to the kitchen, followed by Aiden.

Now it was just me and Ben. I saw him grab a bandaid from his pocket, walking over to me he gently peeled the band aid I currently had on my head off, throwing it away in the trash.

He grabbed my chin and lifted it so he could place the new band aid on the cut I had on my forehead. He studied his work by moving my head from side to side.

"Thank you for patching me up Ben, you're really good at that kind of stuff." I smiled at him. He nodded, his cheeks getting a little rosy.

I giggled a little, just as everyone came back into the room with pizza and drinks.


Word count: 703
I Hope you enjoyed this, sorry if this sucks, I had to write it at my grandmas lol😭
I'll try posting something better when I have more free time this week.


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