Valentines Shenanigans pt.1 // ( Aiden + Ashlyn)

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Ashlyn's POV:

I've always hated Valentine's Day. I've always hated all the cheesy couples, all the the gift exchanges, just everything about it.

But maybe this year is different.

Aiden had asked me out, to where, he didn't exactly say. He just told me to meet up at the park and to dress nice.

I wore a pair of nice jeans, with a red sweater Taylor let me borrow. I had gold necklaces and earrings and my mom did my hair so it was beautifully curled.

I walked down the street holding a teddy bear and a card.

'That's what you get people for Valentine's Day right?'

I turned the corner and the park came into view, I could see Aiden sitting on a swing. Even though I was kind of far away, he seemed to sense my presence.

His head whipped up and he looked..astonished?

He got up from the swing and jogged over to me, he was wearing a nice cream colored sweater and some jeans.

He looked really good, like, REALLY good.

"I've never seen you wear anything nice, besides the prom dress." He chuckled, I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I could say the same thing about you, even at prom you looked like a slob."

Aiden held a hand over his heart.


I smiled, rolling my eyes and remembering I had got him a gift.

"Oh..uhm, this is for you." I held out the teddy bear and card. He looked at the stuffed animal, then at me, raising an eyebrow.

"You, Ashlyn Banner, got me a Valentine's Day gift?" He said, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly ajar.

"Yes I did, but if you keep acting like that I'll burn it." I said, pulling the teddy bear away from the blonde.

Aiden quickly lunged at me, snatching the bear and card out of the hands in seconds. He was practically glowing holding the stuffed animal.

He opened the card, reading the small message I wrote.

'Dear Aiden,
I haven't known you for long, but you became a big part in my life. I hope that after the whole phantom thing we could continue to be friends.
I love you Mr. Durable,

Aiden looked up at me, a deep blush powdered his cheeks.

"Ashlyn, this is amazing, thank you." He smiled at me and I looked away, trying to hide the fact that my face was burning up.

"I have to show you you're gift!" He said grabbing my hand and dragging me along. I stared at our interlocked hands and blushed, looking away.

He guided me past the playground, past a couple of trees, and finally we stopped before a giant oak tree.

Aiden stepped behind me and placed his hands over my eyes.

"Aiden what are you doing?" I asked as we slowly began walking.

"Just trust me." He whispered in my ear, I didn't say anything and just focused on not tripping over anything.

We suddenly stopped and Aiden told me to keep my eyes closed as he removed his hands.

I kept my eyes shut as I felt Aiden step away, rummaging through something.

'What is he doing?'

I heard footsteps in front of me, and a wonderful scent filled my nose, floral?

"Open your eyes."

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a huge bouquet of flowers. Roses to be exact, my favorite flower.

I looked beyond the arranged flower and saw that
Aiden had set up a little circle of lights, it was almost dark out now, but the lights illuminated everything around us.

It was beautiful.

"This is making my gift look bad." I said, smiling and taking the flowers from Aiden.

"You know I have to be the best at everything." He chuckled.

'He's so cute when he laughs.'

I walked over to the oak tree, gently placing the flowers against the trunk and turning back to Aiden.

He grabbed my hands, making eye contact with me.

"Thank you Aiden, this is a wonderful gift." I smiled and felt my cheeks heating up.

"I knew you would like it." He said, smiling back at me.

I stared at his lips and he stared at mine, we laughed at each other before leaning in.

Our lips met, and we kissed.


I felt my cheeks heat up immensely.

The gesture was short but passionate, we pulled away and he smiled at me.

"I love you carrot top."

"I love you too."


Word count: 788

I'm so happy cause my mom took me out to eat for Valentine's Day!!


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