Sick // (Aiden+Tyler)

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Requested by: SleepyheadKb


I was pacing around my room, freaking out. Tyler was in the bathroom throwing up, and not only did it freak me out, but I don't know how to take care of sick people.

I mean, our dad was always sick, but mom always took care of before it got really bad. After dad died, mom started drinking a lot so she was always sick too, but Tyler would always take care of that, I would only help make soup and take her temperature, nothing big.

Me and Ty rarely got sick, not only because Tyler was a clean freak, but also because I don't think being sick worked with our schedules. We were both busy with work and school that even if we had a cough we would just ignore it.

I scrolled through messages on my phone, I needed someone to help with Ty. My finger hovered over Ben's icon, but then I realized that he was spending the day with his family. I sighed, then my eyes locked on another icon.

I smiled, then clicked the call button.

"Hey, I need your help with something."


I stood on front of the twins front door, ringing the doorbell over and over again.

I heard running from inside and the door swung open. Taylor stood in front of me, her hair was up in a bun, her sleeves were rolled up and she had some sort of liquid on her shirt, it smelled like chicken noodle soup?

"Jeez you're a mess." I laughed, walking into the house.

"Shut up. Tyler's sick and I don't know what to do." We walked into the kitchen and she began stirring what I'm assuming was the chicken noodle soup in the pot on the stove.

"Well first of all, where is he?"

"In our room, he has a 102.3 fever."

"Eh, I've had worse."

Taylor threw a potato peel at my face.

"Ok, ew." I said, peeling the potato off my face and throwing it in the trash.

I walked over to the sink and wet a rag.

"I'm gonna go check on Tyler, come upstairs when the soup is done."

I walked into the twins room, and I looked around. I saw a lump on the top bunk, and assuming it was Tyler, I climbed the ladder and sure enough, Tyler was curled up in a ball, a stack of blankets covering him.

I poked him in the cheek and he sat straight up, smacking his head on the ceiling.

"OW! Tay I told you to- Aiden?" Tyler rubbed his head and gave me a confused look.

"Hey halfwit. Tay called me over to help because you're sick." I shoved him back down under the blankets and placed the damp cloth of his forehead.

"Ugh, I told her I was fine."

"A 102 fever doesn't seem fine."

Tyler glared at me, but I could tell that he was getting sleepy.

He closed his eyes and I began climbing down the ladder to go and check on Tay when a hand gripped my wrist.

"Don't.." Tyler whispered. I gave him a confused look.

"Don't what?"


"Wha-" I got yanked into the bed, smacking my head on ceiling. An arm wrapped around me and I was frozen in shock.

I looked up at Tyler's face, but he was snoring. I rolled my eyes, smiling softly. I wrapped my arms around his waist.



I carefully carried the tray of chicken noodle soup and crackers up the stairs. I reached me and Ty's bedroom and realized the door was slightly open.

I pushed the door open with my foot and I looked around.

'Hm..where's Aiden?' I thought, but I was interrupted by two loud snores. I looked up at the top bunk and my eyes lit up.

I placed the tray of food on the desk and whipped out my phone, climbed the ladder, and silently freaked out at the sight in front of me.

Tyler had his face buried in Aiden's blond hair, his arms and legs were wrapped around Aiden, and he was snoring SO LOUD.

Aiden had his face buried in Tyler's chest, his legs and arms were also wrapped around Tyler, and he was also snoring SO FREAKING LOUD.

I quickly snapped a photo of the two lovebirds and hoped down from the ladder.

'Heh..I love blackmail photos."


Word count:815
HEY POOKS, I'm currently super duper busy with school and I have a new job so that's also taking up a lot of time. But I made this one shot for the Tyden shippers, I'll try to look at everyone's requests but again, I'm super busy. In the meantime, just some din any requests you have and I'll try to write them as summer break gets closer!!🥰🥰


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