Valentines Shenanigans pt.2 // (Logan + Tyler )

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Tyler's POV:

Me and Logan were walking through a field together, our hands interlocked.

I came up with this date idea when Logan showed me his astronomy journal. We had driven a half hour to get to this spot and I was praying the clouds that were scattering around in the sky wouldn't ruin it.

We finally made it up a small hill and I laid out a blanket for us to sit on. Logan had made sandwiches for us to eat, even though we had dinner before we came here.

"So, what's so special about this spot? You were really persistent about coming here." Logan asked, biting into his sandwich.

"Oh nothing much, I just remembered you mentioning something about astronomy and I thought you may like this." I said nonchalantly.

Logan raised an eyebrow.

"Like what?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, scooting towards him and grabbing his chin. I raised it towards the sky and practically saw his eyes light up.

I looked up too, looking at the arrangement of speckled stars in the sky. It looked like someone had flicked paint onto a black canvas.

The moon was full, shining down on the both of us.

It was beautiful.

"Tyler..this is..amazing." Logan gawked at me.

"It's no big deal." I shrugged, knowing damn well I drove the same distance last night with Taylor to make sure everything would be perfect.

I saw Logan smile out of the corner of my eye.

"There's Saturn." Logan said, pointing into the sky. I looked up in the direction he was pointing, I don't know why I bothered. I know nothing about astronomy and everything just looked the same to me.

"Where?" I asked.

Now it was Logan's turn to grab my chin. I blushed a little as he gently guided my face to the direction he was pointing. I finally saw the planet, or hopefully I did.

I just picked the biggest star I could see and went along with it.

Me and Logan sat there in a comfortable silence, looking at the view until he turned to me.

"Hey..uh, Ty." I raised an eyebrow, no one has ever called me Ty except for Taylor. Not because I didn't want them to, it just kind of seemed like only family members and very close friends were given access to the nickname.

"I know this may seem random, and I totally understand if you don't feel the same way, but I uhm.." His voice trailed off before he started up again.

"I really like you, more than a friend. But I totally understand if you don't feel the same way, I don't want it to be weird between us." He was rambling now.

I smiled softly. I've never really liked the idea of dating. It's always seemed like a distraction to me, and the people I have dated always ended up being jerks.

But for some reason, it was different with Logan. Ever since the trip to Savannah, I've always had a thing for him. He's sweet, smart, and in his own way, funny.

The rambling finally got annoying, so I sat up, gently grabbing his face and turning it towards me. I placed my lips on his and ignored his little inhale of surprise.

I pulled away, staring at his face.

He was as red as a tomato and his eyes were wide with shock.

"I like you too nerd, so can you please stop talking and enjoy the view? You're running it with your rambling." I complained, even though I was blushing myself.

I turned my head to look back at the sky and ignored the fact that Logan was still staring at me with wide eyes.

He suddenly blinked, being brought back to reality. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it.

We sat there for a minute before Logan scooted close to me, resting his head on my shoulder.

I smiled, placing my head on his.



Word count: 715
I love these two lovebirds sm, I need to start writing more one shots about them Istg.


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