Valentines shenanigans pt.3 // ( Ben + Taylor )

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Ben's POV:

I was scrambling around the house, making sure everything was clean or in place.

Taylor was coming over to make cookies with me, so I had to make sure everything was perfect.

Aiden had gone out with Ashlyn on some little date thing he put together, he showed it to me earlier today and it was super cute.

Kind of made me rethink my date choice.

My parents had also gone out to dinner so it was just me and Lilly. She was upstairs in the play room, watching Bluey or some show like that.

I had just placed the mixing bowl on the counter when I heard the doorbell ring. I began walking towards the door, giving myself a once-over in the body mirror, fixing my hair a little.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, but all of the air was practically knocked out of me when my eyes landed on Taylor.

She was wearing a black sweater with red flared leggings. Her hair was up in a claw clip and she just looked..beautiful.

"Hi Ben!" Taylor smiled, I smiled and waved, stepping out of the way to let to brunette in.

We walked to the kitchen, chatting about what we've been doing all day leading up to now, she stopped in her tracks when she saw the kitchen.

I had lit some candles and put up a few decorations, a heart shaped box of chocolates laid on the counter with a card on it.

"Is that for me?" Taylor asked, pointing at the chocolates. I nodded my head and saw her face light up.

She rushed into the kitchen, picking up the heart before setting it down and turning to me.

"I almost forgot." She said, holding out a little gift bag. I hadn't even noticed she was holding it when she walked in earlier.

"I want you to open it first, I think you'll really like it." She gave me a goofy smile and I blushed a little.

I began peeling away the tissue paper which revealed a medium sized box. I grabbed the container, placing the bag on the ground next to me, and opened the lid.

My eyes widened as they landed on a pair of two tickets.

Not just any tickets.

Laufey tickets.


Taylor had gotten me two tickets to see Laufey at a concert that was in a week.

I looked up at her, she was rocking on her heels, her smile practically consuming her face.

"Do you like them?" She asked.

I set the box on the counter and grabbed her, pulling her into a hug. She laughed, hugging me back.

"I knew you'd like them." She chuckled pulling away. She grabbed the box, pointing at the two tickets.

"There's two of them, so you can bring someone along if you want!" She smiled, putting the container down.

She turned towards the box of chocolates, picking it up and ripping off the card that I had tapped onto it.

A pang of guilt stabbed me in the chest.

'She just spent who knows how much money on those tickets, and all I got her was a lousy box of chocolates? What if she didn't like them? What if she asked for the tickets back?'

She opened the card, reading the note I had written.

I just want to say thank you for being such a great person, especially towards me. You've always been the person I've turned to whenever I need to talk to someone, whether it be about my past or gossip, it's always been you. I love you, and I know that saying 'I love you' means a lot, but I really do. I hope you feel the same way about me.
Yours truly,
Ben <3'

Taylor looked up at me, her cheeks a deep red.

I quickly grabbed my phone, typing a message and showing it to Taylor.

"I'm sorry it's nothing like what you got me. Looking at it now, it just looks like a last minute gift. I understand if you want the tickets back."

Taylor's eyes stared at the phone, then at me. I looked down at the ground, avoiding her gaze.

She stepped towards me, placing a hand on my cheek. She got on her tiptoes and placed her lips on mine. I tensed up a little, my cheeks burned as a blush crept its way onto my face.

She's kissing me.


I slowly relaxed, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around her waist.

She pulled away, smiling at me softly.

"I wouldn't trade this gift for anything else in the world Ben. I love it. But..if you really want to make me happy, you could ask to me to go the concert with you." She smiled. I rolled my eyes before typing another message on my phone.

"Will you please go to the concert with me?"

I walk gonna ask her anyways, but it was still funny to see her dramatically say yes.

She turned away from me, opening the box of chocolates and plopping one into her mouth before turning to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward where the mixing bowl and stuff to make cookies were set out.

"Come on! I wanna make the cookies!"


We spent the rest of the night watching movies. Lilly had come down from the playroom and was sitting in between me and Taylor.

After a while of watching Lego Ninjago, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I glanced to my side to see Taylor resting her head on mine. She had her arms wrapped around Lilly, and my sister had her head resting against Taylor's side.

Both of them were asleep.

I smiled and rested my head against Taylor's.

'Best Valentines Day ever.'


Word count: 1018

But..I have a questions for all my single pookies.



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