Bathrooms // (Aiden + Ashlyn)

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Requested by: ugly-_-bunny

Ashlyn's POV:

Everyone was over at my house for a sleepover. Taylor and Aiden were playing Just Dance, Tyler was scrolling through his phone, and me, Logan, and Ben were playing Uno.

"Uno!" I smiled in triumph. Logan groaned in disappointment as he placed down a yellow 7, throughout the entire round Ben kept on bomb shelling the poor boy with +4's.

I was about to put my last card down when the Dr. Pepper I had next to where I was sitting spilled all over me.

I looked up to see who knocked over my pop and my eyes locked with a pair of red ones.

"Oh shit. Im sorry Ash, I didn't see where I was going-" I quickly stood up, anger bubbling in my stomach.

"You think?!" I shouted. I hadn't been having a good day today, I failed my history quiz and both my parents lectured me about it. I thought this hangout could be an escape from all of it but I guess not.

"Now I'm soaked and I'm gonna smell like pop!" I huffed, turning and stomping upstairs to change.


Aiden's POV:

I felt so bad. I genuinely didn't mean to spill the pop, I was just beating Taylor and I guess I just got a little too into the dance.

After Ash was gone for about 15 minutes I excused myself and wandered upstairs. I knocked on Ashlyn's door but I got no answer.

I peeled inside and noticed that she wasn't in there. Then I heard a crash from the bathroom that was down the hall.

"SHIT!" I heard Ashlyn yell. I quickly ran over to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked.

I began knocking on the door.

"Ash?" I said nervously. "Are you ok? I heard a loud bang."

"I'm fine! Just go away!" I heard her shout from inside.

I let out a sigh.

"Ash listen, I'm really sorry for knocking over the soda. I just wasn't paying attention."

No answer.

"You can have my hoodie if you let me in."

I heard the lock click and the door swung open. Ashlyn stood in a new t-shirt and sweats. Her eyes were puffy like she's been crying.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I noticed that there were hair care bottles everywhere on the ground.

Guess that explains the bang.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I've just been having a bad day and.." her voice cracked and I could see her trying to blink back tears. I frowned a little. I hated it whenever Ash was sad.

I pulled her into a hug and I felt her body tense up a little bit.

She was shaking.

We sat on the floor, our backs against the bathtub, she spilled a lot of pent up thoughts that I could tell had been bothering her for a while.

"I'm just so tired Aiden, I want all of this to stop, the phantoms, always getting sick, the constant feeling that I'll die each time I go to that awful dimension." She rubbed her eyes and I began playing with her hair.

"Listen Ash. I can't tell you that everything will be ok because honestly.. I don't know if everything will be ok. We just got to keep on fighting and find a way out of here." I placed a hand on her cheek.

"I don't want to keep fighting." A tear trickled down her face that I wiped away.

"I don't think any of us do." I planted a kiss on her forehead and she placed her head on my shoulder.

"I love you Aiden." I heard her quietly mumble.

I smiled, even though me and Ash have been dating for a while now, she still didn't say 'I love you' often.

"I love you too Ash."


Word count:

HI POOKIES IM BACKKK. I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I'm gonna try to start and post more regularly if I can, maybe once a week. I've been VERY busy with school work and finals.



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