Protection // ( Tyler + Logan )

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We all need someone in our lives that will have our back, no matter what.

Logan's POV:

I walked with Tyler down the school hallway to our third period class, we were talking about a strategy that'll help us get more stuff done while we're in the phantom dimension.

"We could do something like shifts, where one or two of us are working and the rest of us are trying to sle-" I was cut off when an arm wrapped around my shoulder.

I looked up, fear filling every vein in my body as i saw Barron staring down at me with a devilish smile.

I glanced at Tyler and saw his hand ball up into a fist.

"Hey science partner, could we talk for a minute?" Barron chirped innocently. I looked between him and Tyler, then slowly nodded my head.

Barron began guiding us to a more secluded area of the hallway, I looked back at where Tyler was standing and realized that he was following us.

Barron must've noticed too.

"Listen Tyler, this is sorta a private conversation, so could you just stay here?"

Tyler glared at Barron, then looked at me. I gave him a reassuring nod, I didn't want him to get involved in this.

Tyler crossed his arms over his chest, sighing.

"Fine, but don't take forever."


Barron pushed me into a pair of lockers, the loud bang of my body meeting the metal made my ears ring.

I looked down at my shoes as Barron started silently yelling at me.

"You think that just because you became friends with some other losers means that you get to stop doing my work?"

I glared at a dark brown stain on my shoes that I got when Barron had pushed me into mud because I forgot to finish his math homework.

I slowly stared up at him, his eyes filled with rage and annoyance.

"You know Barron, you're perfectly capable of doing you own work." I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

Barron's eyes widened in surprise, a laugh escaping his mouth.

"What did you just say?"

All the confidence slowly drained away as he took a step towards me.

"You know, I still haven't repaid you for what you and your little band of losers did to me and my friends at the arcade." His devilish smirk sent chills down my spine.

I saw his hand raise like he was going to hit me. Scratch that. He is going to hit me. I held up my hands to protect my head, waiting for impact.

But instead of the stinging pain of a slap, I heard the sound of running footsteps and a loud slap of skin on skin.

I lowered my hands to see Tyler in front of me, standing over a bloody nosed Barron.

"What the fuck Tyler!" Barron shouted.

Holy shit. Tyler punched Barron.

"Leave and stop picking on him or I'll tell coach about how you've been treating him." Tyler said.

Barron glared at Tyler, then at me. He slowly got up and quickly walked off, mumbling curse words under his breath.

Tyler watched him leave, then turned to me, his glare softening.

"Are you good? He didn't hit you or anything?" He asked, a slight hint of worry creeping into his voice.

I smiled, it was nice to know that someone had my back, especially someone as cool and strong as Tyler.

"I'm fine, he didn't hit me." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ok good, now let's go before you make me late." Tyler placed a hand on my back, guiding me towards our class.

I smiled, a small blush warming my cheeks.

"Thanks Ty."


Word count: 643

Can't believe I haven't write a one shot of these two lovebirds yet, BUT SO HAPPY I FINALLY DID.


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