¢нαρтєя 1

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I was awoken by my stepdad "wake up bel your mums saying to get up otherwise she'll kick yo ass" he said laughing.

I groaned and got up "wake up!" He shouted walking out still chuckling, I rolled my eyes at him.

It's not like I hate him he's just a dick, I walked over to my closet and picked an outfit; I decided to get a white tube top.

I grabbed some black baggy jeans with a star design and paired it with some dunks and a thong to put the straps on my hips.

I got into the shower after I laid my outfit out, I washed my body and got out; I dried myself and put on my outfit.

I put on some makeup and did my hair, I sprayed some deodorant and put on perfume; I placed my socks and dunks on and headed downstairs.

I grabbed my phone on the way as-well as my backpack, I seen my mum and bill making out on the counter as I rolled my eyes.

I tried to sit down and eat until my mum was thrown on the counter moaning "ew!" I yelled grabbing my bag running out.

I opened my car door before driving to school, I played some music to get that image out of my head.

I already know what's going to happen tonight..

It was now lunch and I decided to share some fries with Kara, she had the rest of them since I didn't want any more.

"Are you sure bel? You've only ate two fries" She said worried, I nod as jack comes over "I don't know why we couldn't of gotten in and out! We can just drive there!" He said.

"Jack I know we could drive to get lunch but it saved money" I said as he rolls his eyes "boring!" He says sitting next to me.

I See Theo come over as I squeal and go over to him, I kissed him lightly as we both say down next to jack.

"Here comes the love birds" I said to jade coming towards jack, they kissed softly as jade sat on his lap.

"Have you eaten?" Theo said "I ate about two fries and a can of soda" i said as he turned me to him "you need to eat more cmon!" He says dragging me.

I pick up my bag just in time before I got carried over his shoulder "Theo!" I shout as I kick my legs, he took my to my car and sat me in the passenger side.

He does my belt and goes round to the driver side, he turns on the car doing his belt before driving towards in and out.

He ordered his food before he turned to me "want anything?" He asked "no" I say mumbling "wasn't a question love" he said as I sighed.

"Fine just some fries and a coke please" I said "animal style?" He asked as I nodded, he ordered my order.

He drove towards the pay window and paid for us "how much was mine?" I asked getting my venmo out.

"Don't worry about it love" he said rubbing my thigh "well I'm staying at my uncles tonight so, do you want to come over?" I asked hinting.

"Are you sure your ready?" He asked me as I sighed and turned around "baby I'm sorry it's just, are you sure your ready?" He asked as I turned back around.

"Yes I'm ready, plus my uncles out on a 'date' I say as he chuckled "okay just are you sure?" He said as I nodded.

"Positive! Now let's go the lines completely clear!" I say as he speeds up to the window, he grabs our food and drinks and thanks then before driving to the parking lot.

I packed my bag ready for uncles and texted him making sure he was in the house before I got there.

I said bye to bill and my mum through there door and stopped to hear anything, I heard the bed banging against the wall.

Mhm that was my que to go.

I got into my car turning on some music before I sped off, I strolled down the road until I saw his house.

I parked my car in his long driveway and got out the car walking up to his door, I knocked twice before I got engulfed into a big hug.

"How's my favourite niece doing!" He said as I smiled "how my favourite uncle doing!" I say hugging him.

"Right I'm going out in a minute Ria so you already know the usual" he says as I rolled my eyes "no offence uncle tom but she's a dick" I say.

"Tell me about it! Now I gotta go bye bel" he says kissing my head and running to his one of many sports cars.

I laughed and went inside his house, I went into my room and looked out the window waiting for Tom to drive away.

I called Theo and said it's okay for him to come over now.


I hear his car pull up into the drive way as I squeal and run down just in time for his knock.

"Hey love" he says kissing me as I kiss back passionately, I grab his hand and took him to the kitchen.

"Want a drink?" I asked as he shook his head "no thank you" he said as i turned around, I felt too hands sneak around waist.

I was pulled up to the counter as I got engulfed with a steamy kiss, I whimpered as I felt his hands travel down to my inner thigh.

I looked at him as I nodded, he took us up to my room still kissing me, we stopped on the stairs and made out until I heard a car pull in the driveway.

I looked to See Tom and Ria coming toward the door "COCK BLOCKER!"


Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now