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Bill came up-to me and shook my lightly "what!" I say getting up, he smiled cheekily and started walking to the garage.

I groaned and got up following behind him, he opened the door and opened his arms "tada!" He says as I see a black motorbike.

I gasped loudly as I've wanted one for ever "bill!" I say squealing as I gave him a kiss, he lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist kissing him repeatedly.

He set me down as I ran towards it, I sat on the bike and turned it on; I revved it as bill came and put on the helmet.

He put his on and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist "ready?" I say as the garage door opened "ready." He said.

That's all it took for me too start zooming out of the garage, I sped up down the street and onto the highway.

I sped through all the cars, it hit a red light as I revved the bike and zoomed past it not caring.

It's only day 2 of my mother gone and I was not disappointed, me and bill are going to get loads of snacks and watch movies.


It was now 5:17pm, me and bill where in target grabbing all of our favourite snacks; I shoved a whole pack of Coca Cola since I'm obsessed..

We went to the cash register and the total was €214,89 "bill we don't even have that type of money" I say as he shushes me while tapping his card.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Bella" he says as he grabbed the bags making his way to the car.

I quickly followed behind him as I was shocked "so tell me then?" I say doing my seatbelt as he started the engine.

"Maybe another time right now I want to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend" he says.



She was so pretty sucking my cock, we were in the driveway of our house; I threw my head back groaning as I felt myself twitch in her mouth.

I started to cum as I moaned softly, she wiped the sides of her mouth and looked at me seductively "now will you tell me?" She says.

"Fine.." I say "but after the movie" she sighs and crosses her arms, I get out and grabbed the bags unlocking the door as I placed them on the Mantel piece.

She came in sulking as I switched on the tv "choose a movie while I order some Indian food for us" I say smiling as she stays stood.

"It wasn't a question" I say as she groans and sits down, I grabbed my phone off the counter "darling what do you want?" I ask.

"Chicken tikka masala, with egg fried rice and a garlic cheesy naan please.." she mumbled as I wrote it down.

I was going to have the same as her, I phoned up the place and ordered our food; it would be an hour in total.

I sat next to her and seen what she chose, I saw the Meg 2 "boring" I say rolling my eyes as she smacks the back of my head.

"No it isn't!" She says.


An hour later the movie was nearly finished when I heard the door go, I got up and went to the door and unlocked it to see my ex Jenny..

"Jenny?" I say.


Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now