¢нαρтєя 17

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"I do." Bill says as he brought my leg up about waist length and kissed me deeply filled with passion.

He let go as my dad was tearing up, I smiled brightly as me and bill slowly walked down the aisle.

Everyone kindly followed behind us as we got into the car, our suitcases and everything was packed tightly in the boot.

We waved goodbye and gave hugs as we soon got into the car heading for the airport.


We were finally about to board our plane or should I say private plane it's so cool that I own this well I don't bill does.

We were about to set off as bill held my hand tightly "I'm scared of taking off" I say as he squeezes my hand "nothing to worry about darling" he says while kissing me.

"I'm excited for our honey moon" I say as he smiles "Me too, imagine the sex, the food, the sex and everything else" he says as I giggled.

"You sound like Tom" I said as he chuckled "he wished he could fuck your pretty body" he says as my eyes widened.

"What." I said with a stern face he laughed it off and put his hand on my thigh well my inner thigh.

The plane started to take off, the wheels were scrapping across the floor as we soon headed off for the Maldives.


We were still on the plane, it had been an hour and I was getting bored; bill was talking to tom on the phone and I was sat here doing nothing.

So obviously I decided to text him 'hey bill meet me in the toilet' I texted him as he told Tom he had to go.

I got up as he slowly followed behind me, I mean no one's on the plane.

He met me in the bathroom as I locked the door, he grabbed my waist and started viciously making out with me.

I whimpered quietly as he took a hand to my clit, rubbing it softly I moaned quietly as he stopped rubbing "no need to be quiet the bathrooms are sound proof" he says winking at me as I nodded quietly.

He moved my panties to the side as he ran a finger through my slit, I whined as I rubbed my thighs together.

"Someone's needy? Aren't they love?" He says placing me on the sink, he spreads my legs and sat down on his knees.

His head going directly between my legs, flicking his tongue up and down my slit, I moaned loudly as I held my hand on the back of his head bringing him closer to me.

He dropped his tongue doing flicking it in and out of me, I pressed his head further again as I clenched my thighs around his head as he pushed them off.

My hands clenched around the sink as I threw
My head back moaning loudly "ah! Fuck bill" I moaned loudly as I felt myself clench around his tongue.

My cum fell onto his tongue as he started catching it all into his mouth.

"Bill.." I whimpered as he cleaned me up and swapped my panties with a vibrator built into the panties.

He pulled them up and fixed my skirt, I washed my hands as he cleaned his mouth up.

We walked back out as no one was there, well that was a good thing wasn't it!

We sat back down as I felt vibrations in my thong, I tried as best as I can to hold back my moans but the occasional 1 or 2 slipped out.

I arched my back as he smirked and turned it off, I smacked him on his arm as I turned away from him.

He turned it back on and it felt so good, I gripped onto his arm and grinded against the fabric moaning lowly.

He turned it off as I whined "too bad sweetheart"


Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now