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It was a few days after that weird incident..

I was in my room with Kara and jade, they came over and was hugging me while I told them what happened.

I was angry that he cheated on me but I was surprised about bill and that kiss.. oh my god I get wet even thinking about it.

I obviously didn't tell them about it because they will torment me and tell everyone, surprisingly I don't want anyone to know.

I puffed some of my vape as I heard someone knock, I quickly flapped my hands around and hid my vape under a blanket.

Jade and Kara started laughing at me as I rolled my eyes "come in!" I shout as it was bill, it was sort of awkward between us now.

"What's up?" I say trying to act as normal as I could "oh erm.. do you want something to eat?" He asked as I shook my head.

He nodded and left my room shutting the door quietly "why is it so awkward between you to now?" Kara asked as I sighed.

"I have no idea" I say shrugging as jade got a call, it was her dad asking for her to be home "sorry guys I have to go" Jade said as kara stood up.

"I'll drop you off" she says as I hugged them and waved bye, I walked them downstairs and saw my mum wasn't home.

I shrugged and opened the front door letting them out, I turned around and asked bill "wheres mum?" I asked shutting the door.

"Out getting all of her work done before her business trip" I nodded and grabbed an apple biting into it.

"I thought you weren't hungry?" He says ask shrug "well now I am, what are you making" I ask peeking over.

"Just some pasta do you want some?" He says as I nod "yea, but we need to talk bill" I say as he sighs "I wasn't ment to kiss you okay? it was just a mistake" he says as I scoff.

"So making out with me for half an hour was a mistake? I scoffed at my own words "fucking hell bill, that was not a mistake" I say as he smirks.

"Maybe it wasn't but we both know one of us is craving them" he says putting me on the counter, I gulped as he whispered into my ear.

"If you want me to fuck you so bad then just say it liebe" he whispers winking at me as he went back to making the pasta.

I jumped off and turned him round, I kissed him as he kissed me back, we went like that for a minute until he turned off the stove.

He sat me on the counter as we made out intensely, we both had major tension in the room but we both ignored it.

He went under my skirt and moved my panties to the side, I slipped his finger down my slit as I whimpered slightly.

He started rubbing my clit lightly as I kept on moaning into his mouth sending vibrations down me.

"Bill" I whispered as he smiled at me, he slowly went down and slipped two fingers into me, I moaned loudly as I quickly covered my mouth.

He removed my hand and started kissing me again while thrusting two fingers in and out of me, I kept on moaning loudly as he got a call.

I looked to see who it was and it was my mother guilt washed over me but he didn't stop, he answered the phone and told me to shush.

My mother was saying how she was going to be home late, luckily I didn't slip out any moans and the phone call was soon ended.

"You such a good girl, you can come if you need to" he says kissing me and he continued to thrust his fingers faster.

I moaned loudly as I came all over the counter and on his fingers, he snickered and grabbed a paper towel and some bleach spray.

He cleared the counter and my thighs and smirked kissing me once more "damn bill, your fingers are like magic" I say as he laughs.

"Thanks love, we can see what that mouth can do another time" he says as my jaw dropped, he looked at me and started laughing his ass off.

He the stopped laughing and looked at me seriously "no I'm being serious" he says, the pasta was now finished and he had plated it up with a dash of cheese.

I thanked him as he smiled and kissed my hand, I ate as did he and we made some small talk.

I finished my food as I grabbed both of the plates bringing them to the sink, I rinsed them lightly and placed them into the dishwasher.

I fixed my skirt and smiled at bill "come over here" he says tapping his lap as I sat down onto his lap "what's up?" I asked.

"Your stunning, and I'm also so hard for you but I'm not gonna fuck you till next week, I'm gonna make you legs dead" he says as I felt myself basically cumming.

"Fuck bill" I say turning my head, he turns my face back around and kisses me deeply; I moaned quietly "I just want to fuck you right here" he says.

"Then do it" I breathed out as he hesitates "I can't bell" he says as I got confused "why?" I asked him.

"Because I want to do it while your moms away, so that way we can do whatever we want, meaning you can moan as loud as you want, I can fuck you as hard as I want and I can do anything I want to you" he whispers into my ear.

I blushed as he kissed my temple "get prepared baby, you have a whole week to spend with me" he says kissing me.

Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now