¢нαρтєя 11

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We got home After Bill speeding every were, you could tell he was kind of annoyed at something just didn't show it.

He slammed the door shut and ragged my arm upstairs, he threw me onto the bed and stood looking at me.

"So you want me to fuck you?" He says as I don't reply "hm? Your a fucking needy bitch" he says.

"What's wrong bill" I ask standing up and bringing him to sit down "some guys at work called you hot, and said you could get in their bed any day, so I shot them. Simple. Talk about my girl then you'll be gone" he says.

"Well you know bill I'll only sleep with you" I say as he smirks "god you look so good in that skirt" he says throwing his head back.

I smirked seeing him all hot and flustered, I pulled him onto the bed and crawled onto his lap.

I undid his belt and pants and slid them down, I saw his dick tightly packed into his boxers; I slid his boxers down and saw his hips thrusting for some friction.

I chuckled slightly and put my lips on his tip, he groaned softly as I started to palm his dick slowly.

I took him in my mouth and slowly thrusted my mouth up and down, he tightly gripped onto my hair and moaned lowly.

I started to go faster every minute, he gripped onto my hair tighter and thrusted his hips up leaving me to gag.

He grunted as I felt his pre cum start to spill out "do you think you can hold it for me baby?" I say as he shakes his head and grunts.

"Fuck!" He groaned loudly as he released all over my mouth, I took him back in my mouth and caught all of his cum.

I satisfied him and myself all in one sitting "was that good baby?" I say rubbing his shoulders as he nods "very I needed that" he says sighing of relief.

"Want anything else? Hm? Something to eat?" I ask as he nodded "yea you" he says as I'm taken back.

This is my second time having sex with bill, not like it's not good it is trust me.

"Okay then baby.." I say as he flips us over he feels all over my body hungrily as I whimpered slightly.

He took off my clothes to find a small black lace lingerie set, his eyes narrowed as he wiped his face lightly.

"Fuck"  he said as he started to kiss me, it turned out into a roughly heated make out session.

He undone my bra and pulled down my panties, they weren't even panties at this point just a piece of string.

He lined his cock up with my entrance and started to thrust in and out at a godly pace, I was shock but soon turned into pleasure.

"I missed this!" I moaned loudly as he groans loudly showing his approval, I started to move up and down as sweat was pouring off his head and onto my breasts.

He started to suck one of my breasts leaving a large hickey and I mean large..

I started to tighten around his cock as he started to pulse, we both came at the same time and started to make out again.

He pulled out and realised he wasn't wearing a condom..


Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now