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Bill came back with a few condoms "you could've asked me?" I said rolling my eyes "what?" He says as I smiled.

He climbed on top of me and slowly started to undo my dress, my breath hitched as he laid soft kisses against my bra strap.

He un did my bra and stood up looking at me from afar "your so pretty" he says as I gotten flustered.

He came back over to me and sat me on his lap, he stroked my hair and moved his hand to my heat.

He moved my thong to the side and started to rub my small bud softly, I jolted forward and whimpered softly.

He lifted me up to sit on his face as I hesitated "bill, what if I'm to heavy?" I say as he looks up at me.

"No your not bel" he says as I lower myself down not all the way though. "I'm to heavy bill.." I say as he groans.

"Jesus fucking Christ sit on my face already Bella" he says as I sat down, at first it ticked then it got pleasurable.

He started to lick my clit and slowly made his way to my entrance, sticking his whole tongue inside. I jolted as he chuckled sending vibrations.

"Fuck bill" I moaned as i started to rock back and forth on his face, he started to bring his had up rubbing my clit softly.

My moans got louder as I felt myself come to my climax "bill! I'm going to cum" I say as he went faster rubbing my clit and sticking his tongue in and out.

I came around his mouth and he lifted me of to sit down onto his lap, my cum was on his mouth and chin.

I chuckled as he wiped some "open" he says as I opened my mouth, he put his fingers down my throat making me lick them.

"Good girl" he praises as I smiled toothily, he sat me down and started to undress himself.

He took off his boxers and his dick sprung out, hitting his abdomen "you ready?" He says opening the condom and rolling the plastic onto his cock.

"Yea.." I say mesmerised, he lays down and whispered "I want you to ride me" he says and before I even get on.

He suddenly pulls me onto his throbbing dick, his hands clutching onto my thighs as he starts to pound into me, taking me deep "shit" he groaned pushing him to his limits.

I moaned loudly at how big he was "your taking me like such a good girl princess" he says as I moaned louder.

"Bill!" I groaned as I started to rock back and forth, I slowly bounced as I felt so happy to be having his cock.

I've been waiting forever..

I felt hun slowly twitch as I get off him, I started to kiss his top as he groaned. I took all of him inside my mouth.

He thrusted you slightly as I gagged, my eyes watering as he huffed; his cum sprouted to the back off my throat as he groaned loudly.

"Good boy" I say rubbing his thighs as sweat was pouring down his forehead, he was breathing heavily.

"Was I okay?" I say unsure as he pulled me close to him "of course baby" he says kissing my forehead lightly.

"Ready for another round?" He says as I huff "no?" He says unsure as I jolt up "yes please!" I say as he chuckles.

"Let me grab something" he says as he got up going downstairs.


I was grabbing a special toy that I bought a specially for her and no one else.

I grabbed it and hid the thing in a bag as I made my way upstairs, I went inside her room as she looked up at me.

"What is it?" She asked as i smirked, i pulled it out as it was a black and gold vibrating dildo and it was a bit smaller than my size but it will do.

Her eyes lit up as she seemed nervous "where's that going" she says unsure "up your ass" I say as she laughs thinking I'm joking. I'm not.

"I'm not joking" I say as she stops "bill. I don't want stuff shoved up my fucking ass" she says as I roll my eyes.

"Ruin the fun then" I say huffing "you can though" she says as I smiled "downstairs?" I say as she shrugs "why not?" She says.

I Take her hand and use the app on my phone to shut all the curtains, we make our way downstairs as I leaned her against the kitchen counter.

I started to roughly kiss her as she clenched her thighs together, I turn her around and bend her over the counter.

I thrust into her as she takes me deep as i bend her over the kitchen counter more with my pounding hips. "Fuck.." i groaned, holding her neck while pounding into her more.

Hee loud moans filled the kitchen as I roughly lifted her neck up, I kissed her hardly placing my lips against hers as I carried on pounding into her.

Her moans got sloppy as I felt her walls clench tightly around my cock, I twitched inside of her as she grunted.

"I'm going to cum bill" she says moaning as I agree "me too princess" I carried on thrusting into her as we both came all over each other.

I pulled out of her as she breathed heavily, I picked her up bridal style and brought us into her bathroom.

I turned on the shower still carrying her as I kept her tight into my arms, carrying us inside of her shower.

I washer her body lightly as she washed mine, I smiled down at her as I gave her a light kiss.

"Your so perfect my love" she says hugging my tightly "your are baby" I say kissing the top of her head.

I tried my best, may of gotten a little kinky with the toy.. but it will certainly be used another time 🤫🤫

Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now