¢нαρтєя 2

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Me and Theo decided to move to his house for the time being but his parents decided to go out tonight so it was a win, win type of situation.

We where now making out while I was on his lap in my bra and boxer shorts, we decided to go further as he took of my bra.

"Are you ready love?" He asks taking off his clothes, I take of my shorts and nod as he sighs "okay.." he says.

He picked me up and laid me down, he looked up at me as he came hovering over me; I nodded as he took one of my hands holding it tightly.

He kneaded my boob with the other hand as whimpers escaped my mouth, he applied a condom as he lined up his dick with my cunt "I'm gonna put it in now okay?" He said as i nodded;  he slowly inched inside of me.

I Yelp escaped my lips "want me to stop? I'm not even half way in yet love?" A chuckle escaped his lips "it's okay, it's just really tight, and your really big" I said as he laughs.

He inched up slowly as groans and whimpers left his lips like he was singing a song, he threw his head back squeezing my hand as I whimpered.

"Fuck- I" he groaned and stopped "fuck I'm sorry bel" he said as I moaned softly "it's okay don't worry I get it's pleasuring for you" I say trying to ease him.

He nodded and carried on until he was fully inside of me "oh my fucking god it feels like a long eggplant got shoved inside of me" I say huffing.

He looked at me weirdly before we both started giggling "I'm going to start moving now okay?"
He said as I nodded.

He slowly moved back and forth some whimpers and groans here and there, it finally started to get pleasuring as I moaned lowly.

"Faster" I say as he moved faster, I moaned and whimpered as that was a sign for him to pick up
the pace.

He was practically plundering me now, he held one hand on the head board and one hand holding mine; I was moaning loudly as I was about to come.

"I'm gonna come" I say as my walls clenched around the latex "me too" he groaned as we both came.

He pulled out as my head rested on his chest "that was- amazing" I say out of breath as he was breathing heavily in my face.

"That was surely something" he said as I nodded, I heard my phone ringing. I turned and picked up my phone to see 'bill - stepdad' on the contact name.

I sighed and picked up the phone call still out of breath "yea whats up?" I say puffing as he sighs "where are you right now?" He asked as I looked over to Theo.

"Just at uncle Toms why?" I say, Lie. "No your not Tom said your not there" he says as I sigh "im just with Theo were at the park" I said as he chuckled.

"The park? What are you 4?" He says "what about that video of you and Tom at the park huh? What are you 4?" I say hanging up annoyed.

"Listen Theo I've gotta go to toms like right now" I say groaning "it's fine love but can we still hang out?" He asks as I nod.

"I'll just bring you he doesn't care" I say as he nods "let's get ready I guess!" I say as he hugs my waist.


Me and Theo where now parked outside Toms house spraying ourselves, we where trying to get rid of the sex smell.

We got out the car as we made our way in, I seen tom and Ria sitting on the couch watching a movie "hey tom" I say as Theo waves "wassup dude" he says to us.

"There's pizza and some alcohol on the side if you two want any" he says waving us off as I nod and walk over to the kitchen counter.

We see some vodka and a half aten pizza, we grab them both along with two cups and run up the stairs "I told you he's cool" I say as he rolls his eyes "didn't say he wasn't!" He said.

Theo both got into my bed and turned on the tv, I closed the blinds and shut the door I also turned my LED'S to blue and fixed a couple of my pictures.

We decided to watch it chapter 2 since it was our favourite movie right now, but our favourite season was the walking dead.

It had to be our top 5 best shows.

I snuggled upto Theo as he wrapped arm around my shoulders bringing me closer, there was blood gushing from the tv as I laughed.

Theo looked at me like I was crazy.


Me and Addison where watching a movie, we where snuggled up against the couch eating some sweet and salty popcorn.

"I think that we should let Bella go on that trip" Addison says as I turn to her "the skiing trip?" I ask as she nods.

"I mean sure but it's €1203!" I say as she sighs "I know but I think she will make many memories, plus Theo is going" she said as I sigh.

"Okay I guess we could ask her if she still wants too" I say as she smiles "by the way, im going on a business trip cause my fucking boss!" She says annoyed.

"It's okay darling, I'll take care of that one" I say as she chuckles and kisses me softly as I kiss back "I think we should do fix your hair"


Bellas Room BTW in both houses 😍😍

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Bellas Room BTW in both houses 😍😍




Just my stepdad? - bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now