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"Hunter Cha isn't here yet?" Ma Dong-wook asked, towering over them with his huge body.

Choi Jong-in shook his head. "I passed by her room when I came and the stylist was still there."

"Eh..." Lim Tae-gyu laughed. "We know women take a long time getting ready."

"But, isn't it going to be hard for Hunter Cha with all these high-rank Hunters?" Baek Yoon-ho crossed his arms and looked around them.

Choi Jong-in rubbed his chin. "Well, yes, in fact I was quite shocked when she said she was coming too. She usually doesn't come to this kind of things."

Sung Jin-woo winced guiltily: it was actually his fault if Cha Hae-in was there, to the party. As she had no problems around him, he had forgot about her mana smell power.

Some nights before...

They were laying down in Hae-in's bed, arms wrapped around each other. They had just finished catching up with what happened in their lives since the last time they've seen each other and were now relaxing.

It was Jin-woo who broke the comfortable silence: "You are coming to the party in the USA, right?"

When the woman jerked a bit and hesitated, he opened his grey eyes and watched down curiously: Hae-in was biting her lower lip and not looking at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, surprised.

"I'm not good with that kind of things... and this will be a huge thing. A party for all the S-ranks of the world... I'm not sure." she admitted.

"I know, it's not something I like either." Jin-woo agreed. "However it's a big opportunity to know more Hunters and to show South Korea's force. And wouldn't it be fun to go together to a party?" he grinned.

Cha Hae-in didn't look entirely convinced but in the end she decided to go too.

A few days later South Korea's S-rank Hunters, together with A-rank President Woo Jin-chul, left for the US.

Thus here they were: in the USA, at a party organized to celebrate and put in touch the S-rank and powerful A-rank Hunters from all over the word, in the ballroom of the enourmous hotel they were lodged in. So, Jin-woo had practically forced his mana-smell sensitive girlfriend into a room with more than a hundred of the most powerful Hunters in the world.

'I'll have to beg for forgiveness on my knees.' he thought sheepishly.

"Oh, here she is." Ma Dong-wook announced: being the tallest, he could easily see over the crowd.

The South-Korean Hunters turned to the doors of the room: Cha Hae-in was standing there awkwardly, nose near the glass of champagne a server probably had given her.

"Oh, I've never seen her in a dress." Choi Jong-in marveled at the sight.

Jin-woo was surprised too: she truly looked beautiful. Well, she always did, but now she was stunning: she wore a form-fitting, sleeve-less, knee-lenght black dress with red seams and lace on the top. She also wore make-up and red lipstick, her blond hair was combed to the side and curled.

Hae-in was looking around, probably searching for them – how she couldn't see Master Ma was a mystery: Jin-woo was just starting to walk towards her, when a big form moved in front of Hae-in, blocking the South-Korean Hunters' view of her.

Cha Hae-in was breathing through her mouth, her nose twitching continuously as it was assaulted by the smells of a hundred of powerful Hunters.

'And I thought Jeju Island was bad.' she grimaced, taking another sip of her wine, hoping that the alcohol could keep at bay the odours around her. Sadly, it didn't work.

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now