XII. Genes

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There were some difficulties in her pregnancy, yes, but if anything was too heavenly for this world, can she say that it is her son?

Her son is everything to her. And the fact that she was carrying the child of the Shadow Sovereign, her husband, was not the main reason.

"Why are you saying that title with that patronising tone?" A man in his late thirties stood at the doorway of their room. She looked at him, then just smiled, resuming feeding her son, Suho.

"Oh? Don't put words in my mouth, dear."

Jinwoo just chuckled, and he leaned down to give his wife a kiss on her lips. "I'm home, dear." Jinwoo looked at their son in his crib and said, "Papa's home." He smiled gently and poked Suho's cheek.

"So... how was work, dear?"

"Well, there's this guy we caught. He indirectly killed his daughter. He was the reason for her suicide." Jinwoo mumbled as he changed his clothes.

"Hmmm. Did you do it again?" Haein fixed her shirt when she finished breastfeeding the baby, then she looked at her husband while patting Suho's back to let him burp.

"What are you referring to?" Jinwoo sat down on their bed and gave her an innocent look. But from the slight curl of his lip, one could say it was a sign of his amusement instead.

"You did it again!" Haein shook her head in accusation.

"What a scary sovereign we have as your papa, no? Suho?" She continued and gave the baby a kiss on the cheek. After hearing him burp, she changed their position and cradled her child in her arms again.

"A sovereign with no pickaxe in his hand." Jinwoo grinned mischievously at his wife as he went closer to her.

Haein's smile disappeared, and she glared at him.

"Still not over it, eh, babe?" Jinwoo laughed before standing up to wrap his family in a hug. Leaning his chin over his wife's head, he hummed lowly as he stared down at their son.

"Huh. Who was it that was so immersed in his excitement that he failed to notice the association was there already?" Haein retorted.

"Oh... Me." Jinwoo chuckled softly, and then he started swaying his wife and son in his arms.

Moonlight illuminated the room, greeting the family in delight.

"You know, I am really happy... with you... with Suho." Jinwoo muttered softly against Haein's hair, and his arms tightened around the woman's waist. Haein smiled at the action.

"Months ago, the pregnancy took a lot on you. I thought... you will."

"That I'll die?" Haein finished for her husband. Jinwoo nodded.

"Maybe... but that doesn't mean I'll give up that easily just because of a petty reason of great risk to continue the pregnancy... because you are the father? No, I won't. And I did not, right? Look what we have now, Suho." Haein smiled gently and chuckled. "Who looks so much like you, dear?"

"What? Nah, I think he still got some features from you."

"No, look. He looks so much like you, especially when he smiles—that familiar mischievous grin that gives me headaches sometimes—it is from you." Haein playfully rolled her eyes to tease her husband and carefully gave the bundle in her arms to its father.

Jinwoo stared intently at the baby in his arms.

"Huh..." Suho let out inaudible baby noises, and then he giggled as he saw his papa.

Haein laughed and grinned. "See?" Jinwoo just smiled and lifted Suho high up, and the baby's giggles got louder. Haein just smiled and shook her head at her husband's actions. However, the amusement written on her face cannot be mistaken.

The room got quiet as Haein started cleaning Suho's crib, and Jinwoo was just busy playing with him.

"Soooo dear, you can say that my genes are too strong, eh?" Jinwoo grinned as he lowered Suho down in his crib when he realised the baby was fast asleep. Then he approached his wife, wrapped his arms around her waist in a tight embrace, and gave the woman a kiss on the nape.

Haein shivered involuntarily.


"Whaaaat? I was just trying to suggest something, you know... Like, wanna prove my theory about my genes being too strong, hm? It'll be fun." Jinwoo whispered against her skin with a sultry tone, and he playfully blew air on her nape.

Haein jolted a bit at the ticklish feeling and instantly felt her ears getting red from embarrassment.

"Y-you! Ever since, like, activating something in you!" Her cheeks coloured, and she struggled to remove her husband's hold on her.


Oh well, this might be a busy night.

To be continued...

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