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Jin-woo spat out some blood and took a quick glance at his stats: his mana, although enormous thanks to the Black Heart, was rapidly reducing as the army of the Sovereign continued destroying his Shadows.

He looked down at the defeated enemy, the Sovereign of Transfiguration, who was lying on the ground, wheezing and regurgitating blood.

Jin-woo's eyes flashed blue and he ignored the pain on his side as he bent down. "Tell me where the Dragon Emperor is hiding."

The defeated Sovereign smirked. "You don't have to worry, human who is not a human anymore. When the time is right, His Majesty will find you. And you'll regret what have you done." And with that, he exhaled his last breath.

"Tsk." Jin-woo clicked his tongue, frustrated.

[My liege, please, you have to rest now.]

Bellion begged him, hovering near him.

[You have defeated a Sovereign, my liege, but his army is still strong: it will be better to retreat for now and regroup]

Igris tried to reason, watching worriedly as the King swayed.

[Kkkkeeiiikkkk, my liege please let me heal you!]

Beru implored.

Jin-woo looked around and pressed a hand on his ribs, fearing some may be broken: he could see the reason in what his Marshals were saying and knew they were right. It was a true victory and there was no need to destroy completely the army at the cost of completely exhausting his mana. He recalled all the shadow soldiers but Igris, Bellion, Beru and Iron.

Bellion rushed to hold him as Jin-woo swayed again, his vision blurry.

"I can't let mom and Jin-ah see me like this." He muttered. There was only one place in which he would be safe and would be able to rest and heal.


Cha Hae-in was laying down on the bed, reading a book she had started some time before: she was tired since she had spent the afternoon raiding a dungeon, but fortunately the day after would be her day off and she had planned of going to Song Chi-yul's dojo to train.

The young woman couldn't hold back a shriek as suddenly a large black form emerged from the shadows near the bed. "What-!"

Anxiety turned to worry when she saw it was Jin-woo supported by one of his summons, the one that had got out of the huge portal in Seoul some time before.

"Jin-woo!" she exclaimed, moving quickly closer to him and noticing all his wounds.

"I'm sorry." he apologized feebly. "I couldn't go home and scare mom and Jin-ah."

"You did the right thing." Hae-in affirmed, then to the Shadow holding him she ordered. "Put him on the bed."

Bellion obeyed and Jin-woo groaned in pain as he was laid down. Hae-in's mind went on overdrive, but she took a deep breath to calm down and went down to business, eyes narrowed and focused.

She quickly assessed his wounds and it seemed none was mortal: bringing him to a hospital would cause a lot of chaos and questions at which, she was sure, Jin-woo didn't want to answer. "You can heal him, right?" She asked the shadow ant, who was hovering nearby, obviously anxious.

Beru nodded and started to do that.

Hae-in went to the kitchen and took some painkillers and a glass of water. She walked back and sat down on the bed, near his head: she looked at the three shadows soldiers standing close, unwilling to leave their liege, and she tried to recall the name of the swordsman. "Igris, isn't it? Can you please help me?"

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now