XXV. Night Sky (Sequel)

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Hey,, can I ask you something?

Of course,course, my dear, what is it?

If I am the King of the Dead,, then does that make you my Queen?

Silly,, of course it does! After all, you are my husband,husband, right?


However,, the queen is dead..

So,, how does the ruler of the dead die?

Tell him.

Tell him how.



'My love,, promise me that I won't be your cage.'


He woke up with a jolt. The surprise evident on his face from his nightmare. His forehead was filled with beads of sweat,sweat, and it slowly trickled down his face.

'That again..' He groaned in frustration. The man looked around his room. His messy room,room, if he must add. Hisclothes were clothes were all over the floor. Ashoe is shoe is on the bed, its pair missing. Hefelt too felt too lazy to tidy up his things, so he left his room as it waswas during these days. Next, he looked at the mirror beside his bed and saw his reflection. He stared.

What looked back was a man full of unsaid feelings. A man who suppressed his emotions. A broken man.

He frowned and ruffled his hair in an attempt to fix it. It was getting long,long, and he has not bothered to cut it. After all, these days he was busy.

Busy doing what?

ShutShuthimself off himself off from the world. Yep,, busy doing that.

He stood up, leaving his bed,bed, to get something to drink. That nightmare took much of his energy again. It always did, for all these years.

He went to get a glass of water before going to his small terrace. He was trying to calm his nerves with the drink and the view. But when he looked up, he saw the night sky filled with dazzling stars that twinkled continuously.

He scoffed,scoffed, then glared.

That view cursed him all the way to his soul. It was a painful reminder.

The reminder of those days he was with her. That one time,, he took her to his secret spot. Something he onlyindulged in indulged in with her. The ache in his heart throbbed with every glance he took at the night sky.

"Ah,, when will this ever end?" He sighed for the umpteenth time and held his face in his hands.

Jinwoo felt empty. He felt incomplete. He felt different. He felt that nothingcould ever could ever be the same again.

He's tired. Tired of everything??

It got worse when she died. After all, she was his only anchor to sanity back then, but what now that she's gone?

And 'tiltil now, he doesn't know the answer to that.


Then suddenly,suddenly, his phone rang..

It was from his son.



He raised his hand. He reached for the doorbell,doorbell, and...

The door slammed open.

"Dad! What's with this text? I told you! You can stay with us,us, right?" Suho exclaimed as he stood on the porch.. HisHis father was not even inside the house,house, yet he stillburst into burst into his entrance with that tone.

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now