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Cha Hae-in frowned as she looked at the jewellery display in front of her: the saleswoman was hovering nearby, anxiously trying to please her famous client. Hae-in had gone to that precise jewellery shop because she knew they would be discreet and her "mission" needed discretion.

When she had started running in Middle School she'd have never though she would become the number 1 South Korean athlete.

The showcase in front of her displayed a lot of shining and wonderful jewellery, but she only had one objective in mind, so she turned to the black-haired woman who smiled widely.

"Do you have any men's rings?"

"Men's... rings?" the saleswoman repeated, perplexed.

"Yes...engagement rings." Hae-in clarified, her cheeks reddening slightly.

The woman's eyes widened and, with an understanding look, she smiled slyly and led Hae-in to another showcase. "As you can see, we have a lot of choice: of course, they're quite simple, but the designs and the materials are very different from one another. Would you rather something more traditional, like gold or silver, or something modern? Stainless steel rings are quite popular these days."

Hae-in pondered quietly for some moments, observing carefully the display in front of her. "I think steel rings would suit him more... do you have something black?"

"Yes of course, I'll show you more." the saleswoman smiled gently.

After half an hour Cha Hae-in exited the shop, donning her sunglasses and pushing her cap on her head, and ran to her car while hiding her precious cargo in her purse.

She entered her car and sighed: her decision had been impulsive, but she had decided it was time to do something about her relationship. Hae-in leaned on the wheel, staring blankly in front of her, lost in her thoughts: Jin-woo and her had known each other for a long time, since she was in middle school. They had been dating for about ten years, since that fateful Christmas when Jin-woo had kissed her and brought back her memories of her previous life.

But that was it: they dated, they were now living together. Both of them had been busy with life, with Jin-woo working at the police department and Hae-in becoming the most famous athlete in South Korea. But now they were both almost 30 years old (Jin-woo closer to that age than her) and she was starting to become anxious to start a new chapter in their life.

Hae-in loved Jin-woo: it was normal to desire something more, wasn't it?

So, since it seemed like he wasn't going to take a further step, she had decided to be a modern woman and take the matter into her own hands. Her cheeks reddened and she squealed a bit, embarassed by what she was planning to do.

Hae-in shook herself and started the car, driving back to the apartment she shared with Jin-woo.

The blonde woman started preparing dinner, checking the time to make sure she still had enough time to get everything ready.

When Jin-woo entered the apartment, taking off his shoes tiredly, he was greeted by a feast on the table: arching an eyebrow, he looked perplexed at Hae-in, who was fumbling with her hands. "Did I miss some anniversary?" Jin-woo asked jokingly.

"I was just in the mood." his girlfriend shrugged, kissing his cheek.

During dinner they chatted amicably: however, Cha Hae-in was getting increasingly nervous and was gathering the courage to take out the small box she was keeping hidden in her trousers' pocket. What if he said he wasn't ready to get married? What if he said he didn't want to get married to her?

Jin-woo of course noticed her mood and wondered about the reason: in truth, he was a bit tense too, because – unbeknown to Hae-in – he had a surprise in mind too.

They finished dinner and bought the dishes to the sink. Hae-in fidgeted, hand going continuously to the pocket.

"Dear." Jin-woo caught her hand in his, looking intensely at her: she was nervous alright. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, worried. He had wanted to show her his surprise, but maybe it wasn't the right time...

"N-no." Hae-in shook her head. "Nothing's wrong." That was true, after all. She smiled sweetly at him and Jin-woo looked a bit reassured.

"Then... will you come with me? I want to show you something."

The blonde woman was taken aback by the request but curiosity won.

It took almost 40 minutes to get to Seoul's outskirts: it was a quite area, full of green, near the mountains, with large houses separated by gardens and space.

Jin-woo stopped the car in front of a big building surrounded by a garden and tall trees.

"Whoa." Hae-in gaped, taking in the view. "Where are we? Whose house is this?"

"Well..." Jin-woo rubbed the back of his neck, once again taking one of her hands. "I was hoping it'd be ours." The woman looked at him mouth agape and he rushed to explain. "See, actually this was an open space: I had some help in building the house..."

Hae-in could see the shadows move on the walls and understood what he meant.

"You mean... you build this house for us?" She had a lump in throat, eyes shining with unshed tears, feeling unbelievably moved.

"For us... and for our future family." Jin-woo hesitated a bit and then fumbled with something is his pocket, taking out a small box from it. "If you'll do me the honour to marry me." he said in the end, opening the box and showing her an elegant diamond ring. Knowing her man, Cha Hae-in was sure that didn't come from a shop.

She couldn't stop a laugh rising on her lips, a small tear of happiness sliding down her cheek.

"What-?" Jin-woo looked a bit dumbfounded and worried, but Hae-in just continued chuckling and took out of her pocket her own small box.

"Only if you'll marry me too." She said, opening it and showing him the black steel ring she had chosen.

Jin-woo's eyes widened and then he barked out a laugh too, suddenly hugging her close.

"We really do think alike." he commented, eyes twinkling in amusement.

"Mmmm." Hae-in agreed, first nuzzling his neck and then wrapping her arms around him and raising her head to kiss him.

They kissed softly, lovingly, for a long time, under the moon. When they separated, both a bit breathless, Jin-woo put on the ring on Hae-in's finger and she did the same for him.

'Ah, so that's why she was so nervous.' Jin-woo thought, reassured.

"You know, I was going to be one to propose." Hae-in joked. "Since you seemed to have no intention to."

"I was just waiting for the right moment." the Shadow Sovereign protested.

"Mmmm..." she smirked. "So, is this house habitable or do we have to go back to the apartment to celebrate our engagement?"

Jin-woo gaped at her and sputtered, not expecting her to be so brazen. "W-well, it'd be better to go to the apartment, this one still need to be furnished." he stammered.

"Oh, okay, we'll be christening it later." she smiled slyly, enjoying how the usually impassive man was getting increasingly flustered. "C'mon dear, take me home."

Hae-in entered the car and Jin-woo stood there for a moment, shaking his head and ignoring his shadows cat-calling and laughing at him: the night was going to end even better than how it began.

To be continued..

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now