XXII. Journey

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A bout of jitters. Her palms felt clammy. Her heart fluttered from the ominous silence in the room. Her reflection in the mirror showed her queasy expression.

In short, Cha Haein's been a bundle of nerves for an hour now.

"Unnieee, stop being so nervous;nervous; your makeup will be ruined if you keep touching your face!" The girl beside her whined loudly. She's been watching the woman for awhile now. The number of times Haein moved on her seat since earlier was lost in her mind. Jinah tidied up her crumpled gown once again. "Everything will be fine. Okay?" She tried to brighten the woman's atmosphere the best she could. Because if she didn't, her brother would kill her.

'Make sure she doesn't panic,panic, okay?' Her brother's reminder remained vivid in her mind. 'I want her not to worry.' She wordlessly nodded and watched as her brother went out of the door.

"How can I relax, Jinah? He's gone! I do understand,understand, but... I hope he's safe."   safe." Haein sighed,sighed, and she facedfaced her soon-to-besoon-to-be sister-in-law. "I know he can handle it,it, but... still." still." She mumbled her complaints.

"Yes,"Yes, unnie,, he can handle that. It's not like this is the first time hehas been has been summoned out of the blue for an emergency mission, right? This is not the first." Jinah repeated as she brushed some powder on the woman's face. "Being with oppa does havehave its pros and cons..This is This is one of the cons."

"Yeah. Not the first.." Haein grumbled and held her hands up in the air. "This is an important day for him and and for us!" She faced the mirror once again and stood up. "I know I may be overreacting toto this;; if it werewere a simple mission,mission, then I wouldn't." Haein sighed and looked through the window,searching for searching for something inin the sky.

"What do you mean,mean, unnie? It is an easy mission,mission, right? They just need to apprehend the culprit from the port.." Jinah frowned in confusion. 'It is simple. They just need OPPAOPPA's skill for interrogating people,, right?'

Haein glanced back inin her direction before sighing deeply. Just how many times did she sigh out of worry for the past hour? 'If only you knew Jinah.' She looked up once more atat the sky. The blueyonder was yonder was so clear, giving way to the sun, its rays shining brightly at them.

She squinted her eyes,eyes, and she swore she could see just a tiny bit of sparks from a section of the sky. That familiar black and blue surge of colourcolour.

'Being with him equals being inin danger as well.' Haein clasped her hands tightly.

A bout of chagrin. His heart thumped loudly. Hisnerves are nerves are unsettled. Hismind was mind was clouded. Hismuscles are muscles are tense. His expression showed hiscomplaint, and complaint, and his brows furrowed together.

In short, Sung Jinwoo's been snappy for an hour now.

[My liege, the formation is ready.] The armouredarmoured soldier beside him whispered. His husky voice rumbled with uniformity. [Weaker creatures have been annihilated as well.] Grand Marshal Bellion was a bit nervous. He knew that expression on his master's face. And it is not a good sight to see. The day started with elated,elated, wide grins, now interrupted byby tight,tight, deep frowns.

'Babe,, promise me you'll be fine? Come back safe.' His fiancée's gentlereminder was reminder was etched into his mind. 'It's fine even if this isis postponed. Okay?' He only stared at her and nodded in understanding before giving her a peck on the cheek. He left her while she was still in her home, two hours before the scheduled event.

At first,first, he was pissed. What great luck he really had that even on this important day, someone or or something would attack the planet. Yes, he gets excited whenever there is something new to fight, an effect ofof being in battle for a long time that temperstempers his sensesin such in such a way that sometimes he finds himself longing for something to fight. However, not on this day. There is something more important than that. His annoyance reached hissoldiers, and soldiers, and the connection between them rang deep. So, when he arrived just outside the Earth's atmosphere, his soldiers immediately fell into their battle formation and quickly started the fight.

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