XIII. Alone

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The rulers gave prosperity,Land cloaked in solidarity.

In exchange for that desire,They asked for the pyre.

For the clans would give,A special one is decisive.

The people survived,Yet two lives are deprived.

The curse is strong.Taking all those that do not belong.


Run. Run faster.

A man clad in black robes limped towards the clearing of a cliff while clutching his bleeding arm. "Haia!" He shouted.

A woman stood at the edge of the cliff as she looked down below at the battle raging between the clans.

"Haia! Come on, we need to go. The light clan will find you!" He approached and pulled the woman's arm, and suddenly his shadow expanded, and he went inside the space with the woman.

Darkness surrounded them, but the man knew where to go as he navigated the way while still holding the lady's hand.

"Jin, stop. We need to stop." The woman, Haia, looked up at her companion despite the blood trickling down her forehead, the wound still fresh. Her eyes glistened as she blinked, and she stared at him again. Those eyes were refreshed with determination and vigour.

"I know, but right now we can't do anything. This is now a full-blown war. Escape is the only thing to do." Jin mumbled, and he ruffled his onyx hair in frustration.

"No, listen to me. We need to do it. They asked for sacrifices. We can't just let other people die! We need to tip back the balance!" Haia frantically waved her hands in the air as she nodded, her long blonde hair swaying with her movements. She cupped his cheeks. Her gaze drilled into his soul. The expression is now embedded in his mind. "We need to stop this. We have responsibility for our clan! We have the power to do it, right?"

"I am tired of living my life just to fulfil my responsibility! Right now, we have the choice!"

"Yes, Jin, we have the choice. The choice to do the right thing and not run away" Haia smiled gently before giving him a kiss. Soft lips pressing into his.

"N-no.. Haia, I won't agree to that! Please.. no..." He held her shoulders and shook her.

Haia shook her head and held her hand up before illuminating the void and cutting through it.

"They need someone with natural compatibility with mana. That's how the sacrifices are chosen—you and me. From our clans." Haia's voice trembled, and tears trickled down her cheek.

"There must be some way!"

"JIN! Listen to me. Everyone will die if we don't do this! Your friends! Your sister and mother! Everyone!"

"You told me you loved me! And now you'll leave me?"

"Jin... I'll always love you, but love is not like that. It is not selfish."

"Haia! Please, please, do not do this." His voice trembled with every word. "I do not want to be alone!" He screamed with all his heart. True feelings are pouring out.

Light blinded his surroundings, and the man did not know how long he was standing there in shock. Then he saw her smile, although it did not meet her eyes.

Her body dropped to the ground lifelessly.

The last thing he heard was enough to take his energy away. 'Rulers. They are speaking to me.' The prince of the shadows, known for his indescribable strength and his charming dark aura, screamed in agony.

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now