VII. Her Actions

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"Seriously, sir, you do agree he's unlucky. Right, right?" A man laughed while holding a glass of beer. He slapped the man beside him on the back, and they laughed again.

"I guess so, with a wife so expressionless like that. Would somebody be happy?" The men laughed again while drinking more of the beverage.

In front of them, a man was twirling the liquid in his glass in circles, feigning ignorance. But his eye twitched. He's annoyed.

"Hey, hey, don't be like that. Remember that everyone is different, right, Sir Jinwoo?" The man beside him uttered. The guy in question just nodded quietly.

"Blah! Too bad for you, Jinwoo. Missing out on a married life!"

Sung Jinwoo. The man being teased by his seniors just stared at them and drank his beer. The bitter taste went down his throat, and he hummed.

'Still no effect. Cleansed already, hm?'

"Uh, sir.. are you okay? I mean, I know you have a high tolerance for this, but ain't their teases getting out of hand?" The man who defended him earlier, Lee Sehwan, asked in a cautious tone.

"It's fine. Well, I can't deny that Haein usually has a cold expression on her face. But I'm not worried about their teasing. Because I'm the only one who knows what she is underneath that mask. She is my wife, and I know her very well." Jinwoo just nodded, then whispered. "But I am annoyed. They can't just say things about my wife like that."

Jinwoo drove back home. Their gathering was cut off short as the seniors got drunk quickly. He and Sehwan were the only ones still in the right state of mind.

'Old men are a pain in the ass.' He scoffed.

Still thinking about the topic earlier he sighed. It is true how his wife is pretty expressionless, always with that poker face she wears. It unnerved him before too, back to the erased timeline where he first met her.

However, it is not entirely true. Once you look closely you'll notice how her expression changes depending on what she's feeling, although subtle, it's still a change.

That small yet noticeable lift of the corner of her lips, her ears red from her embarrassment, that eye roll indicating she's annoyed at you, and the most obvious one, was her glare, meaning she is mad. He chuckled softly to himself.

But the best thing he could ever ask for is how his wife shows her feelings with her actions. His wife so endearing, how she's so hardworking in her duties, and in every action she takes she thinks for the sake of the others. Her heart full of kindness to everyone despite her indifferent mask.

She is... an enigma to his eyes. Her selflessness always comes out in every situation. Never refusing to help someone in anyway she can. She even chose to coach kids some basics about track and field even though she is currently pregnant. She reached out to everyone. Like how she did to him. But her impassive expression always gets noticed first. He sighed.

'People. Really.'

Before, he almost forgot the feeling of joy, or love... All his battles and the war put a toll on him. He was so focused on winning and killing his opponents. Then from time to time, he would remember her. And he'll snap back to reality, his heart would soften once more just like it did when they watched the starry night sky in their getaway trip. She always pulled him back to the ground.

"Dear? Have you eaten? I prepared some dinner."

He smiled as he was greeted by his wife. Staring at her he chuckled before walking to hug her tight.

"Dear? Jinwoo? Something wrong?"

"Hmm nothing... I love you~"

He laughed as he saw her cheeks flush again, her ears red in embarrassment.

Who said he is not lucky with Haein as his wife? Think again.

'I am very lucky.'

To be continued...

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