XI. Blunder

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Jinwoo can't believe what he just did. 'Oh... shit.' This is a problem.

He is so screwed.

Did she notice his presence?

Sweat was evident on his forehead, and he gulped nervously. But he stayed frozen in his spot. If a person could see Sung Jinwoo right now, they'd probably laugh at him and say, 'This is the newest S-rank Hunter? Pathetic...'

Oh yes, pathetic he is. Because just look at what his childish excitement got him into. The situation he's currently in is not on the list of awesome things to experience in life, for him.

He was just... happy these days. With all these new powers he received, the system kept on giving him upgrades, and new features constantly popped up as he levelled up. It was exhilarating. For the first time in his life, he finally felt he had the chance to do something as a hunter. He was the weak E-rank hunter from before; people would constantly pick on him because of it. So he thought, finally, that with this gift, he could finally support his younger sister and his mother without problems. If he is lucky, he might even find a cure for his mom.

So once he acquired a new skill through the continuous achievements of his missions in different dungeons, he immediately tried to test it out. It's called "Sensory Sharing," and it seems he can use it to see what a Shadow Soldier sees from its own perspective, wherever it is currently situated.

Therefore, with his refreshed excitement and curiosity, he quickly tried to use it. On a whim, he just sensed the nearest Shadow deployed in the city and commanded the skill to activate.

Now, because of his impulsiveness, he is currently in this situation. In an unknown place? Is he in an apartment? And there was a woman in front of his current position. That notable blonde shoulder-cut hair... 'Cha Haein!' His eyes widened as he quickly recognised the person.

On a normal day, he would've probably greeted her in some way. It felt good to see a familiar face after all this time, and it would feel reassuring. Unfortunately, this is not a normal day.

Cha Haein was undressed.

'I'm dead.' Jinwoo thought as he stayed rooted in his spot. Yes, he is still a guy in his early adulthood, even if he is cold and scary as hell when he fights a battle. Things like these can still make him uncomfortable. And yes, Cha Haein is not your typical woman here; she's an S-rank hunter, and he still did not want any trouble from her.

As if on cue, Haein jolted in her spot and stopped putting her shirt on. "Someone there?" She glared, and her eyes moved around the room, scanning her surroundings. The warrior in her surfaced yet again, and she reached for her sword by the side of the bed.

'Uh oh. Time to go.' Back to his senses, Jinwoo immediately deactivated his skill, and in a split second, he was back in his room once more. He stared blankly at his wall before groaning loudly in embarrassment. He covered his face with his hands before lying on the bed. He mumbles a string of curses to no one in the room. He did feel a bit weird as the realisation sank in about this predicament.

The orcs he summoned earlier for their night patrol around the neighbourhood just stared in confusion at their master's actions.

[My liege...] Igrit's voice echoed in his mind, and Jinwoo froze.

'Oh no...'

[I know you are still a growing man, my love, but I think you should learn to...]

Jinwoo blinks in mortification.

[It would be wise to have the lady's consent when you want to look at her naked body. *coughs* And it seems in this age, my king, they have what they call... condoms for safe intercourse.]

"Wha-? No! I'm not going to do that!" Jinwoo stuttered on his own words, his ears red.

In addition to that, my dear, you are still a man. The sight of the lady's flawless skin must've been a sigh that may have invoked some reactions in your body, my dear.

'Flawless skin? Huh? Oh...' Jinwoo blinked as the memories flashed in his mind again, and he shook his head, hoping to get that image out of his head.

"Igrit! Stop! It was an accident, okay? I-"

"OPPA! Can you be quiet? I'm trying to study!" The door to Jinwoo's room suddenly opened, and his younger sister stood at the entrance.

Jinah squinted her eyes, and she scanned the room. 'Brother's bed is messy... His hair is dishevelled, his ears are red, and he looks flustered.'

She stared at her older brother, disgust painted on her face.

"Oppa, you know... If you want to watch porn, don't do it while I'm here, okay?" Then she slammed the door shut, leaving her older brother shocked.

"..P-porn? What? No, Jinah!"

He's tired. For days, he had to deal with his sister's sour conversations with him and Igrit's continuous 'lectures' about this predicament.

It did not help when he briefly saw the lady in question as he rode Kaisel in the sky. It seems they were preparing for a raid. And once he saw her, he jumped lightly on her spot and quickly looked away as he remembered.

"Igrit! Yes! I'll make it up to her someday, okay? Please... stop with this topic already!"

Jinwoo groaned in annoyance.

To be continued...

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now