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Sung Jin-woo was a bit tired but in a good way: he was going back home after a day of exams at University and he felt satisfied. He'd soon graduate, his friendship with Jin-ho was proceeding smoothly, he was living together with his girlfriend and his family was alive and healthy. He did miss raiding dungeons, but life was much happier and simpler in this timeline.

Some agitated voices from a group of high-school girls caught his attention: "Awww, that model is so cute! I want to buy it! I'm sure my boyfriend would love it!"

"Well, you need to have a body like hers!"

"Don't be such a let-down! Ok, Cha Hae-in-Nim has a great body, but I'm sure Ha-ri will look great too!"

At the mention of his girlfriend's name Jin-woo frowned and turned his head: the high-schoolers were squealing and talking about a huge billboard on the skyscraper in front of them.

Jin-woo froze.

On the billboard was Hae-in. Almost naked. Wearing only lingerie.

The photo was taken from behind, showing her smooth back and perfect curves, just a hint of a lace-covered breast peeking, her head turned to look at the bystanders over her shoulder in an almost coy expression.

Jin-woo could only gape at the image in atonishment: first of all, because even if Hae-in had been forced to do some advertising campaign in the past, she hadn't enjoy having pictures taken of her and being at the center of the attention. Second, he would have never imagined his modest and shy girlfriend to advertise lingerie of all things. Third, she looked extremely beautiful and almost otherwordly and he wasn't sure how he felt at her being looked at while – well – being almost naked.

The Shadow Sovereign stood there for at least five minutes, trying to regain his bearings. Something strange and dark started growing in his chest and he took deep breaths to calm down, his eyes flashing violet. Sadly, it was useless when the 'thing' roared in anger as he heard some male snicker and say: "Man, she's sexy, I'd really do her."

Forcing himself not to react outwardly, Jin-woo gritted out mentally "Beru" and his shadow obeyed his unsaid command: the man who had been so crude yelped as he tripped over something and fell down hard on the floor.

All the satisfaction and happiness Jin-woo had felt before had vanished, as determination filled him: wanting to get home as soon as possible, and not wanting to waste time on the metro, he turned into a narrow, dark dead-end alley. Black wisps enveloped him as he used the Shadow Exchange.

Hae-in bit her fingernails as she looked at the pictures for the lingerie campaign on the table in front of her: she had to admit she looked good, even if it had been difficult and nerve-wracking to be that undressed in front of the camera. When her manager had proposed it to her, Hae-in had initially refused: she didn't like that part of her work and she was sure she'd get too embarrassed to do it appropriately. However, after some talk with her family, she had started to look at things differently.

The one who had definitely convinced her had been Jin-woo: she hadn't exactly explained to him what this 'new job' entailed, but when he had said – "If you want to try something new, to prove yourself you can do whatever you want, you should do it. I'm sure it'll work perfectly, since it's you." – Hae-in had decided to give it a go.

And while she had been nervous, in the end she had had fun: she was a modest person, but it had been nice to feel sexy for once.

They had also gifted her with some specimens and she was wearing, under her normal clothes, the one she liked the most: a black laced set which made her feel powerful and seductive.

Hae-in slapped her hands over reddening cheeks in embarrassment: would she really be able to wear it in front of Jin-woo? They had a healthy sex life and she never had to complain, but maybe it was time to spice things up a little? Would he be happy? Or maybe he'd find it a bit too much?

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now