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Cha Hae-in cracked her neck and sighed, glaring at the paperwork in front of her: she really hated doing reports and while Choi Jong-in was the one mostly doing that, as Vice-Guildmaster she had to write some too. Normally she was too busy and would delegate to others, but at the moment the gates' activity had slowed down and so she had enough free time.

The ringing of her office's phone was a welcome distraction:


"Hunter Cha-nim, this is the reception: we have a girl here asking for you."

"A girl?" Hae-in frowned confused.

"Yes, a high school girl."

Then Hae-in heard another voice in the background: "Tell her it's Jin-ah! She knows me!"

"Jin-ah?!" the young hunter exclaimed in surprise. "Yes, I do know her, tell her to come up."

She got up and went out of her studio, walking determinatedly in the hallway towards the lift: tapping her foot, she waited impatiently for the lift to arrive.

"Hae-in-unnie!" Jin-ah exclaimed happily once the doors opened, hugging the older woman tightly.

"Ooof!" Hae-in gasped, not expecting that reaction.

"Finally I was able to get to you! Those people downstairs didn't want to let me come up, they didn't believe me when I told them I knew you." Jin-ah frowned, remembering the receptionists' behaviour.

Other hunters and office workers peaked out from the offices along the hallway, wondering what was happening: they observed curiously the scene, as Cha Hae-in was a private and reserved person.

"Jin-ah, what are you doing here? Does your mother know about it?" she didn't mention Jin-woo because she knew he was out of the country, doing his own things.

"Yes, yes, I wrote to her. I missed you, you didn't come to dinner this week."

Hae-in's heart clenched in guilt. "Yes, you're right, I was busy with work." She had started to have dinner with Jin-ah and Kyung-hye once a week: that was how the three women would cope with Jin-woo's frequent absences and they all enjoyed each other's company. She wrapped an arm around the younger girl's shoulder and led her to her office, ignoring the inquiring gazes of her guildmates.

"So..." Hae-in started, sitting down on her chair as Jin-ah did the same in front of her "... why did you come here? We could have met in a bar or something."

The younger girl shrugged and averted her eyes "I was in the neighbourhood..."

"Jin-ah." the blonde woman said firmly. "Don't lie to me." Noticing how the other girl winced, she gentled her tone. "You know you can tell me the truth."

Hae-in waited quietly as Jin-ah fiddled nervously with her fingers. Getting a bit worried, she got up and went to crouch near the girl: "Hey..." she took her hands in hers. "You're worrying me... what's wrong?"

"It's just... I had another nightmare yesterday night." Jin-ah admitted. Hae-in nodded in understanding, since she had known for some time about Jin-ah's nightmares about the time she'd been attacked by the Orcs at school: the girl still suffered from post-traumatic stress. The S-rank wasn't actually sure how much Jin-woo knew about that, since he was always busy closing portals all around the world.

"And today I haven't been able to reach Oppa... so..."

"Okay, I get it." Hae-in smiled softly, squeezing lightly her hands. "You know you don't have to worry about your brother, Jin-ah... he's probably the strongest human in the world. He will be fine. He has his shadows helping and protecting him... I know some of them and they're powerful and loyal, they'll never let him get hurt. And you don't have to worry about yourself... you know he'll be always be there to protect you."

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now