XXIII. What's the verdict?

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"Oh, by the way, I'll be bringing someone over this weekend." After saying the sentence, Jinwoo ate a spoonful of kimchi and munched it calmly, like he never said anything.

On the other hand, Kyunghye, Ilhwan, and Jinah were left stupefied by what the young man said. They froze in their seats. Food left untouched on the table for a whole minute.

The trio stared at the young man. "Huh?!"

"What do you mean, my son?""Is it your group of friends?""Oppaaa, who is it?"

Voices overlapped each other as they tried to question Jinwoo at the same time. It was really unusual for their oldest son to say something out of the blue, especially since it was about his friends. Jinwoo never brought anyone home at his own invitation. Usually his friends or clubmates would occasionally play some games in his room, but that would be it. It was never like this that Jinwoo would bring over to their home that's planned...

'Is it a girl?' Kyunghye thought.'Will he finally introduce his girlfriend to us?' Ilhwan snickered.'Who is it?' Jinah wondered.

Jinwoo just raised his brows at his family in question and gave them a grin. "Someone important..." He mumbled, then he resumed eating. Effectively giving off the sign that the topic is over.

His parents and his younger sister were left with so many questions.



"Wrap this around you. You're getting cold." He mumbled as he wrapped his scarf around the girl's neck once he saw that she had shivered from the cold breeze of the winter. Then he shoved his hands back into his coat.

The snow came down in big, heavy flakes. January proved that it may be their coldest month of the new year.

Snow crunched under her feet as she walked; her boots thumped with every step, and she sighed. "Sorry, I forgot my scarf." Haein whispered lowly as she pulled the cloth closer to her face.

Jinwoo chuckled lightly. They were on their way to his home. He fetched her back into her apartment and accompanied her throughout the way. His senses told him she was anxious, her breathing erratic, and her fingers fiddled with the strap of her bag. To him, it was amusing. "Were you that nervous that you even forgot that?" He smiled, and he patted her hair gently in a comforting manner.

Haein sighed once more. "Sorry, I guess. I'm just jumpy today." She bit her lip, and she nodded. Her hands gripped tightly on her bag.

"Don't worry, they'll like you." Jinwoo smiled reassuringly.



"Honey, can you please place this on the table?" Kyunghye called for her husband. She just finished making galbi-tang, a soup made from beef short ribs and vegetables. This is a great dish to eat in the winter. Ilhwan took the pot from her hands and placed it on the table carefully, then he mumbled. "What do you think she'll look like?"

"Hm? .. I don't know, to be honest. Our son is not really vocal with his feelings, you know. I do not even know his type!" Kyunghye mumbled her complaints. Her son was not really the expressive type. He was always careful about what to show other people. She is confident, though, that her son would choose a kind and lovable girl. That, she is sure of.

"Well, this just means that our son is growing up." Ilhwan just chuckled amusingly. He gave his son a big pat on the back that day, saying how he was proud of him. Jinwoo just laughed and shook his head in annoyance, saying something along the lines of that he knew her for a long time already and that they don't have to worry about this not being serious or not. 'I'm introducing her to all of you. Isn't that a sign that it's serious already?' He added. Ilhwan was really shocked. His son is too mature nowadays. It left him with mixed feelings of pride and relief.

"I always see oppa smiling whenever he's on the phone sometimes. Is that what it is, mom?" Jinah butted in, and she pouted while she looked at her parents.

The couple just looked at each other.

The one who might not accept this development easily might be their daughter, Jinah. The girl was so close to her brother that they could say they might be twins. The idea of her older brother having someone might not be in her best interest.

"Jinah, make sure to welcome her well, okay? Best behaviour.."

"..Yes mom." Jinah replied after a pause. "And what's with that accusatory tone? It's not like I'm going to do anything."

"Jinah. I said-" Kyunghye was suddenly cut off.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang.

"Mom? We're here." Jinwoo called out from the door as he went inside, Haein in tow. She stayed silent as she hid behind his tall figure.

Jinwoo just chuckled, and he held her hand, pulling her inside the living room. Haein just bit her lip in frustration, and she stood straight, seeing Jinwoo's family for the first time ever.

Kyunghye looked at the woman, imprinting her features in her mind. The shy girl with her blonde hair, her grey eyes, her red ears, and her timid posture. She smiled widely and greeted her. "Hello! You must be Haein-Ssi. Come, come."

Ilhwan immediately gave the woman a smile. He pays no heed to appearances, only thinking of one important thing: his son's happiness. His son might have found the woman he'll treasure forever. He based this assumption on Jinwoo's calm yet elated expression.

Jinah just scrunched her nose as she stared at the woman. Then her eyes widened, a realisation evident in her face. "Ah-! You're the one I saw looking at his phone  since." Her words were cut short as she felt her brother's hand over her mouth.

"Jinah.. Shh..." Jinwoo scolded his sister, and he chuckled sheepishly. His secret, staring at Haein's pictures, a lot at that, from her photoshoots, almost out with just a slip from his sister's lips. "But... mmh, oppa! Why-!"

Haein just frowned in confusion before she was pushed by Jinwoo's mom towards the dining table. "Here, dear, you haven't had lunch yet, right? That cold weather must've gotten in you." She chuckled.

The family of four and their visitor sat around the table. A hearty lunch was prepared specifically for the weather. The soup warmed their insides, and joyous laughter filled the room. The older couple quickly warmed up to the woman. They were already comfortable with her. Jinwoo smiled in relief as he learned that fact. But... He looked to his left.

Jinah stared quietly at her brother and his girlfriend. There were a lot of things she noticed. Her brother's eyes would always move sideways to glance at her, and then his lips would just lift at the corners like he was suppressing a smile. More than that, she found that he would always bring his hand over hers to give it an encouraging squeeze whenever the woman would get nervous. His eyes looked so different whenever his attention was centred around her.

'He loves her...' she thought. Jinah pursed her lips. She was not a fan of this meeting at all since her oppa confirmed it was a girl, and more so over the fact that her brother might've found his soulmate. It was hard to warm up to the idea that her brother loved someone. But if it's for his happiness, then.

She stood up as she tidied up the plates with her mom and her brother's girlfriend. She sneaked a glance at her, and she stared.

Haein blinked as she finally noticed her look, then awkwardly asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Everyone's eyes were on the young girl. Jinwoo stared at his sister. 'The verdict?...'

Jinah closed her eyes, and she puffed her cheeks up before saying,

"Can I call you, unnie?" She bit her lips as she waited for her reply.

The room went silent.

Haein's lips parted in surprise, and seconds later she recovered herself and happily replied, "Yes! Of course you can!"

Both of them smiled widely in sincerity. Jinwoo and his parents sighed in relief.

Finally, it seems the Sung family might've just gotten an additional family member.

To be continued...

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now